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-chan= female close friend/sister

-kun= male (equals)

Lately, I have been eyeing (stalking) someone.

And no, it is not the chef, trying to wheedle more food out of her.

Of course not.


After all, according to my mother it was the new style in the capital to diet from a young age. So, she's forbidden the chef from making me any extra dessert.

I've also had all my sweets confiscated.

At first I was like, "How DARE you" in a Darth Vader voice, but then I chilled out cuz that was too tiring.

But now since my stomach is feeling lonely, so is my heart.

I want a friend.

So, I've got a new target.

The chef's daughter.

...........................................and no, of course I have no ulterior motives~ ..........................................................................

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Anyways, I have never been one to seek friends, and my past lives have probably... emotionally scarred me somewhat. So, this will be quite a challenge. But, its for the sake of a full stom- heart. A happy and full heart.


I observed (stalked) her for the next few weeks. By normal people standards, she was suuuuper cute. Even more so than the heroine. Like, overflowing with small animal moe. It is to be expected that she would be a quiet and adorable person, but I soon found that was not the case.

One day, I found my chance when I was hiding in a bush, watching her admire a rose. According to one of my father's books "How to Make Friends With Women" you should flatter the other person first. It must work, after all, my father is always surrounded by crowds of women at parties. I teleported to where she was, startling her, and blurted out the first compliment that came to mind.

"That rose compliments your features and makes you look really cute."

The chef's daughter dropped the rose as if it was on fire. "... That doesn't make me happy in the slightest." Then she turned around and walked away.

This continued for the next couple of days.

"You want to play dress up with me?"


"You have super long eyelashes."

"Are you stalking me?"

"You're pretty enough to have your own harem of handsome guys."


After a particularly harsh rejection, I sulked in my room for the next several days without coming out. It seems as though my dream of having more foo- a new friend is futile. Sigh. I had all of my lessened meals taken to my bedroom where I hung out all day. It wasn't as if it was that hard on my part though. My bedroom is probably the size of my old house in my past life. Not that I had the energy to get out of bed anywho. The only thing that made time pass by suuper slowly was




MY STOMACH IS GONNA GO ON STRIKE! I started writhing on the floor from an unfamiliar pang of hunger that I had never experienced before. 


Then, blackness engulfed my vision.


When I awoke, I was in an unfamiliar bed with my stomach no longer growling. I tried to speak up, but then I noticed several candies stuffed into my mouth, piled high up in the air. My eyes widened in surprise but I was careful not to move, and safely deposited them all into my space pocket before any could go to waste. Whew, that's a relief.

When I looked around, it was obvious that I was not in my room, but in a smaller slightly furnished cabin. A servant's quarters maybe? But it was too nice to be a common servant's quarters. A butler perhaps?

I popped a candy into my mouth as I pondered this mystery.

All of a sudden the door opened, and I was stunned to see that last person whom I expected to help me.

"...You?" The chef's daughter walked in carrying a tray of food, which I then started salivating over. FOOD. FOOD. FOOD.


...That was definitely not drool. I am a dignified noble lady. Ladies don't drool.

Definitely not.

The moment she placed it down on the table it was gone. She froze, and stared at me incredulously, not that I really noticed.


Seconds later the plate was sparkling clean. I relished the feeling of a full stomach when the chef's daughter hesitated before speaking up. 

"I...I'm sorry."

W....What? I stared at her in confusion. She didn't do anything, why is she apologizing? If anything, I should be the one thanking her for saving me and feeding me.

She continued on, looking ashamed. "It was because I was so rude to you wasn't it? Girls are more sensitive than guys, so I'm really sorry, I didn't think it would affect you so much."


"After all... you locked yourself in your room for days, never coming out."

... Oh. That. Yeah, well she completely misunderstood. That was from me using up my last vestiges of energy and being unable to move past the door. Totally not her fault.

Well, I might as well take advantage of this situation while I'm at it.

I tried to smile as cutely as I could, and spoke some heroine-like words.

"It's fine. After all, we're friends now, aren't we Mitsuki-chan?"

I waited for her reply, my breath caught in my throat. She frowned slightly. "Mitsuki... chan?"

I tilted my head. "Yeah, of course! You're like the younger sister I've always wanted, yet never had!" In my past life, I had always wanted a little sister whom I could boss around and force to cook and do chores for me. Now that I have one, and more importantly, one who is the daughter of a famous chef.... Kekekeke

Unfortunately, that didn't soften her up one bit. If anything, it only made her more angry. "Are you picking a fight? Aren't you supposed to say Mitsuki-kun?"

What? Why would I-

I caught the furious look on her face and everything clicked into place.


So this she is a he.






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