
10.6K 347 48

September 6th
Portland Oregon time

American Idol🎤
Hello little harper

Little Harper👶🏼
Im 15 days younger than you

American Idol🎤
You won't be calling me
an asshole in a few minutes

Little Harper👶🏼
What did you do?

American Idol🎤
Well, as im sure you know
me and the boys are meeting up
in New York city,

American Idol🎤
And me and the boys (minus Bean)
Would like to buy your train ticket
so you could meet him

American Idol🎤
He's been a little off
lately and you make him
happy, we know how much
you mean to him and
we'd like to surprise him

Little Harper👶🏼
He has been a little off,
its been making me worry

Little Harper👶🏼
Id love to surprise him,
but I'm gonna buy my own
ticket, just tell me time and
place, ill be there

American Idol 🎤
Ill figure it out
when we get there

American Idol🎤
See ya soon

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