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May 13th
Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Harper sat in her highschool gym. Her black cap on and her black gown hanging on her shoulders. Today was the day she'd never forget; the day she graduated; the day she said goodbye to everything she knew; because in a month from now; she'd officially be moved to LA. Her status as UCLA student was now official.

This would be the last time she walked the halls, opened her locker, ate in the cafeteria. It would be the last time she ever wished Corbyn and the boys were here. Soon she'd be living with them; and they'd always be by her side.

She should be happy, fuck it. She should be thrilled; but she couldn't lie and say her heart wasn't broken on the inside. They had all promised they would be there. Liv and Daniel, Hazel and Zach, the rest of the boys cheering her one. She was supposed to look out into the crowd and see Corbyn. Her Corbyn. The reason she pulled through every time something got hard, the reason she aced every exam and assignment she got. Because of him.

But stuff came up for the band last minute; Liv hated flying on her own and Hazel's dad didn't want her doing it by herself; so that left Harper.

"This young and so very bright student has been with us since her first day of grade 9. With honour rolls every year and always such a happy smile on her face; we'd like to call up Harper Wallace-" Everything seemed to slow down as they called her name, suddenly she couldn't hear anything, it was as if her heart was in her ears.

Harper walked up the steps, the stage lights hitting her face as a loud yell came from the back of the gym, causing her stop in her tracks and look up, all of them standing up and cheering.

"Thats my girl!"Corbyn cried with a clap as her eyes met his,Hazel standing next to him, clapping and cheering as loud as she could. Her heart began to beat fast as they all wore proud smiles on their faces; her family was there to see the biggest moment of her life and it meant everything to her.

After shaking hands with her principle and accepting her diploma, she turned the string to the other side of her cap before moving back to her seat, her heart still thumping in her chest. Of course she left her phone with her mom, of course she couldn't run back and hug him like never before; because she hadn't seen him in three months, what was a few more minutes right?Everything.

Harper sat there for exactly 18 more minutes, her knee bouncing up and down and biting her freshly done nails. She felt like her stomach was going to explode while she watched the last person walk across the stage, everyone rising to clap as the principal and grade 12 teachers exited through the back.

Harper felt her throat clench as she became aware of how big the crowd enclosing around her became, only a single thought running through her mind; to find Corbyn.

Thats when she saw him. Standing in front of the doorway, a bouquet of sunflowers in her hand and a goofy smile on his face as he looked at her like she was the sun that brightened up his earth. It was everything she had ever hoped to see; this was her perfect.

As if her feet made the choice before her mind did, and began to sprint as fast as she could, every step she took making her heart feel more whole than the last.

Her arms wrapped around his neck as he picked her up, spinning her around as she let out a giggle. Hazel was sure she had never seen anything as Tumblr, gross or cute all at the same time. But the smile on Harpers face was worth every second.

"What are you doing here?!"She asked as he put her down, their eyes locking as their smiles equally as wide as their chests were almost pressed together.

"You think I could miss my girls big day?"Her heart was about to melt, into pudding, on her yellow Vans. She was so fucking in love with him it hurt.

"I love you so much Corbyn Besson"She whispered as she pressed a soft kiss to his lips, both of them closing their eyes and giving everything to the other. Knowing that after they all left, it wouldn't be until August she'd see them again.

"Just one step closer to seeing your beautiful face everyday"He whispered back, tucking a strained of hair behind her ear.

Harper smiled as her dad popped the champaign. Corbyn's arm wrapped protectively around her waist, Hazel sitting on Zach's lap while everyone looked at the couple, her little brother with a cup of apple juice in his hand.

"Harper, ive never felt so proud of you in my life. You are my shining star. I never thought id see the day where you'd be taller then the kitchen contours. Now your all grown up and graduated fro high school. Soon you'll be moving to LA and making all of your own dreams happy"Her dad started tearing up as he looked at her, never ever so proud of his daughter.

"Promise me you'll look after my girl out there"He said to the boys, who all smiled just as wide as Harper did.

"Heres to LA"Her father said, raising his glass; the boys,Harper and her little brother with his apple juice in suit.

"Thank you so much dad"She said as Corbyn pressed a kiss to her head, her stomach tingling like it never had before.

One day this would be her life, Corbyn would always be by her side. Not by text or phone call; but in their bed in the mornings, at the table before work, when she's eating ice cream from the couch. Her heart skipped a beat at the thought.

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