Once Again 3

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Shi and little Yan Da are now outside the Ice Palace currently throwing a snow ball at each other.

Ka Suo and the rest too are with them, sitting under the cherry blossom tree and watching the two.

"They seem to really get along," Li Luo stated, smiling a bit.

The two looked so happy together. She never saw the younger Ice prince smile like that before.

"Aa." Ka Suo said agreeing. He could see how his younger brother's eyes lit up and look at the fire princess.

Shi, you...love her don't you?

Ka Suo sighed, closing his eyes. He felt sorry for his younger brother. But it's not like anyone could chose who to love.

Suddenly, a snowball hit him straight on the face. His eyebrow twitched but then smiled when he heard Princess Yan Da's laugh followed by the others.

"Oh, the game is on." He said, looking at them.

All of them then joined Shi and Yan Da.

In the Ice Palace...

Throne room.

"Father," said Shuo Gang, reporting. "I already searched Yan Da's room but there's nothing in there. Not even a trace."

The king's forehead creased. "What's your speculation?"

"I think that whoever did this, isn't from here or from the other tribes. If it is I've already found something."

"Then we have to be more alert. Where's Yan Da?"

"With Prince Shi." Shuo Gang answered, making king Huo Yi's eyebrow rose.

Shuo Gang smirked. "You may not know father but those two have a history. So, I know that Prince Shi will not let anything happen to Yan Da."


Yan Da is enjoying herself. This is the first time that she had a lot of people to play with. Mostly, she plays alone or with Shuo Gang when he isn't busy. But that was so rare.

Spotting an unguarded figure, she was about to throw the ice ball in her hands when she felt her heart pulsed. It felt like it's being crushed. She gasped, fainting on the cold ice floor.

"Yan Da!" Shi shouted, seeing the young fire princess fall.


The door to the throne room was suddenly opened, making Flame and Prince Shuo Gang stand at guard.

Shi went in, looking like a mess. "You need to see this, "he said, then went out again. The father and son looked at each other then followed Shi.

In Huang Tuo's room...

Princess Yan Da was lying on the bed, her breathing ragged like someone was crushing her heart and lungs inside.

"What is it?" King Huo Yi asked, entering the room.

"Your majesty," they greeted, quickly moving aside to let him see his daughter. Flame froze seeing the blackened veins on her daughter's face and body even Shuo Gang gasped.

"What heck happened!?" he said angrily, looking at Shi.

"Don't blame him." Flame said, holding his son's shoulder. "This is not his fault. Huang Tuo, what is your diagnosis?"

"Her heart beat is elevated even her energy, making breathing difficult for her. That's not the only thing though, her blood is slowly turning into poison. I'm afraid King Huo Yi that if we will not find the antidote or the person who did this as soon as possible, Princess Yan Da has only until tomorrow to live."

King Hou Yi's face was grim. His eyes blazing in anger. "Leave us." He said to the group. "Except you Shuo Gang and Prince Shi."

When the others were out, Flame went to his daughter's side kissing the top of her head. " I'm so sorry Yan Da." He whispered.

Shuo Gang and Shi were silent. Both clenching and gritting their teeth.

Shuo Gang is pissed. Who dares to do this to his sister!? If he ever found out who it is, he'll not hold back. He'll make that person pay.

Shi is also livid. He didn't know what to think. So, he stood there looking at the unconscious princess.

"Father, do you know who did this?" Shuo Gang asked breaking the silence.

"I do and he will pay for doing this." Flame replied, getting up.

"Shuo Gang, come with me. Prince Shi, watch over my daughter." He said leaving the room. Shuo Gang then followed him.

Yan Da whimpered, Shi immediately went to her side. Running his fingers through her hair, trying to comfort her.

"Shh, it's okay. You're safe. It's okay Yan Da. I'm here." He said, bringing the girl into his arms. Yan Da sighed, snuggling closer to him.

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