Little One Pt. 2

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Night time...

Princess Yan Da and Yun Fei are now back at their camp.

"Are we going to bed now?" the child asked, yawning.

"Not yet. We have to take a bath first." Yan Da said, signaling her maids to fill the tub.

After their bath, Yan Da carried the little one to his own tent.

"Good night," she said, kissing the boy's forehead. The boy blinked.

"Good night," he said shyly. Yan Da's actions baffles him. Other than his mother, no one ever did really care about him. However, the fire princess showed him nothing but kindness and acceptance. She even played, dressed him up and took a bath with him.

"Wait!" he stated when she was about to leave. "Can you sing me a lullaby before you go?"

Yan Da chuckled, sitting down beside him. "Okay. Make yourself comfortable then."

Yun Fei then lied down, putting the blanket over his form. "Done." He said looking at her.

Yan Da hummed, she then began to sing.

Fate has been cruel and order unkind.

How can I have sent you away?

The blame was my own

The punishment yours.

The harmony's silent today

But into the stillness

I bring you a song

And I will your company keep

Till your tired eyes and my lullabies

Have carried you softly to sleep

Once did a prince who shone like the sun

Look out on his kingdom and sigh

He smiled and said," Surely, there is no prince

So handsome and so well beloved as I."

So great was his reign and so brilliant his glory

That long was the shadow he cast

Which fell dark upon the young brother he loved

And grew only darker as days and nights passed

Soon did that prince take notice that others

Did not give his brother his due

And neither had he loved his brother as he deserved

He watched as his brother's unhappiness grew

But such is the way of the limelight, it sweetly

Takes hold of the mind of its host

And that foolish prince did nothing to stop

The destruction of one who needed him most...

May all your dreams be sweet tonight

Safe upon your bed of moonlight

And know not of sadness, pain or care

And when I dream, I'll fly away and meet you there~

Sleep, Sleep, Sleep~

Yan Da smiled. Yun Fei was already sound asleep. She was about to get up when a grip on her dress stopped her.

Looking down, she saw the child's right hand holding it tightly. Grinning, she lied beside the sleeping boy. It seems like he doesn't want me to go. Sweet dreams Yun Fei. Sleep tight.


Yan Da woke up to the scent of cherry blossoms. Opening her eyes she saw that Yun Fei moved during the night while asleep. He was now on top of her gently nuzzling her chin. Yan Da let out a soft chuckle.

The boy is really adorable.

Noticing that the sun is already up, she shook the child gently.

"Yun Fei, wake up."

"Mmm?" Answered the child, yawning.

"Get up slowpoke. The sun is already up." Yan Da said, piching the child's cheek.

The boy frowned, glaring at her. Yan Da just grinned. Unaffected.

Noticing their position, the boy blushed quickly getting up. "S-sorry."

Yan Da just smiled. "Get ready. We will go to another tribe today." She said, leaving the tent.

After his done dressing up, Yun Fei went out of his tent.

"Well look who it is? The Princess servant boy." Said a voice above him.

Yun Fei frowned looking at the man in front of him. "What do you want?"

"Nothing. I'm just here to see what's so special about you that the princess cares about you deeply." The man said, eyes narrowing at Yun Fei. "Let me take a look."

The man then grabbed Yun Fei. The boy winched. His gripped was strong, cutting the blood circulation on the boy's arms.

"What are you doing?"

Hearing Yan da's voice, the soldier quickly let Yun Fei go.

"Ah, princess Yan Da I was just helping him up."

Yan Da didn't believe him one bit. "If I see you again near him, I'll see to it that you'll regret every bit of it. Leave!"

The soldier left but not before subtly looking at the boy in hate.

"Are you alright?" Yan Da asked checking the boy's arms. They're turning purple.

Yan Da gritted her teeth in anger. I should have flogged that soldier before letting him leave.

Carrying Yun, Fei they entered her tent. Yan Da then applied her own special salve on the child's bruises. Healing them immediately.

Yun Fei was quiet only looking at her.

"What is it? Does it still hurt?"

"No," He replied. "May I ask you a question?"

Yan Da's eyebrow rose at his politeness. "Go on."

"The man a while ago said that I am your servant. Then why are you doing these?"

Yan Da's eyebrow twitched, disliking the man more. "Because you are also my friend besides being my servant."

"Your friend!?" the child asked in disbelief. He never had a friend before.

"Uh huh. You are my best friend." Yan Da told him sincerely. Yun Fei finally smiled, hugging her.

Yan Da laughed, ruffling his hair. "Now, let's go to the town of Holy Clan."

Author's note: The lullaby isn't mine.  I just took some stanzas and modified them to match the story.The original song is called "Lullaby for a Princess". You can check it out on you tube.

(Honestly, I think the song fits Shi and Ka Suo. xD)

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