Dark Paradise

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"Ying Kong Shi!"

That was the last thing that I've heard before I took my last breath. The pain and anguish in her voice made my heart ache. Making me quite regretful that I took my own life. It was unfair. I know that but the weight of my promise to my older brother won in the end. I never did intend to die like that... with a sword protruding on my gut.

The question is why am I still here? Hovering above my body. I died, didn't I?

"You did," answered a little girl. Suddenly, appearing on my side.

"Who are you?" I asked a bit startled.

"I'm Death." She replied, her cold eyes boring into mine. "I'm here to take you to the other world. But... I'm feeling generous."

"What do you mean?" I looked at her confused.

"Easy, we'll stay here for a while and watch the people that you have left behind. After, that..." She dragged on a thoughtful expression on her face. "Let's just say you'll be able to go back... sort of. What do you think?"

I looked at her a bit skeptical but then I remembered my brother, Yan Da and mother. Meeting her gaze, I nodded.

Death smiled showing her razor sharp teeth. "On we go then," she said, snapping her fingers.

The first one we went to is my brother- Ka Suo.

He was on the balcony, staring at nothing in particular. He looked so sad and empty.

"Ge," I said reaching out to him. My hand passed through him though, making me clenched my fist.

"Touch them all you want but your hand will only pass through them," death said, standing on my side.

"Shi, why did you do that? Why did you take your own life? I never wanted you to sacrifice yourself for me." my brother said, crying. "All I wanted is for you to be happy."

I gasped, looking away from him. " I'm sorry, brother." Is all I could say, putting my arm around his shoulder even if he couldn't feel it.

Death stood there watching us. It looked like she wanted to say something but she kept quiet instead letting my brother and I have this moment.

Hours later, she snapped her finger and we're back in the place where I took my life. Under my favorite cherry blossom trees.

I sat down on one of its trunks still thinking about my brother. Death sat beside me.

"What did you want to say?" I asked her.


"When you were looking at me and my brother." I said.

"Ah," She answered, smiling. "I was just going to say that you two are idiots."

I frowned hearing that while she laughed noticing my expression. "Because you know if only you two just trusted and told each other the truth then it wouldn't come to this. Honestly, watching you two were pretty annoying. I understand why you want to protect each other but seriously there's a limit to everything. But whatever it's not you can go back and change the past. Rest or do whatever you like. We'll go and see your mother tomorrow.

She said, disappearing.

I sat there, frozen. Her words being repeated on my mind. "...there's a limit to everything..." I laughed, tears falling in my eyes. I don't know why but those words bothered me the most.

Morning came...

Death did come again to fetch me.

Suddenly, we were inside a palace that I've never seen before.

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