l e t t e r five (both)

172 15 2


I saw you today in the hardware store buying some rope. I don't know why. When you saw me you gave me the softest smile I have ever seen.

I smiled back. I was with my mum. She walked up to you and you guys talked and I stood there awkwardly.

"Hello Trevor." You said so happily. I enveloped you into a hug. Your head rested on my chest due to your height. At that moment I felt something on my chest. I pulled you back and you were crying.

I wiped them away then you left. You left me standing in the middle of the hardware store with tears on my shirt. I don't know why but I was mad. Mad at you, mad at myself.

I was mad at myself for loving you.


May 16 2014; 6:39 PM



I'm sorry I have written in a couple days but there was not much that happened besides the scene in the hardware store. I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye.

All though you probably won't care. 5 more day until I give you the letters. I am scared shitless because of this.

I saw you today at school. You weren't happy. You were sad. I wanted to walk over to you and hug you but that would mean I would have to talk to you. I didn't want to.


May 17, 2014; 4:37 PM

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