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Most nights are the same, yet it never gets old. Gotham city, what is it truly known for besides insane criminals and mysteries that go untouched. I ponder while inhaling my joint's medical goodness. Most know me during the day as Jackie; others know me at night as the daughter of the notorious clown couple that runs the dark side of Gotham, AKA Jack in the Box. Everyone thinks that the Mayor owns the city or get this even Batman the Dark Night, maybe even my own parents, oh please 

That's right I am the head honcho, the big cheese, queen, the boss, the don any other boss names just throw those in as well its me, exhaling the smoke between my painted red lips. My parents are The Joker and Harley Quinn; my biological mother was Live Wire but that's another story. I look back into the distance and inhale a deep breath of my joint letting it stay in my body for a while trying to feel my high. 

 I don't care who my parents are I don't have to like them they are just here to raise me the way they want its whatever. I look up to my dad, even though he and I are not close but we have a relationship that works for the both of us. We respect each other and each other's power. 

 Now Harley she is an obsessive, creepy, fucked up bitch; I am way more powerful than her in every way and dad loves me a lot more; he just uses her for his you know needs. Like I do with everyone I know, he and I don't feel and we certainly don't give a fuck about worthless weaklings like Harley. Inhaling some more I hear a strange voice behind me, "So Bat Brains you finally show up, but wait I'm not fucking doing anything wrong".

"Actually you are smoking an illegal substance."

"Wow you are just nit picking now" I say getting ready for some fun. "So where is boy fucker?"

"Right here" he said coming behind me grabbing me from behind.

Sneaky, sneaky trick but if he actually thinks that's going to work he is stupider than I thought.

"Even if you do need that marijuana due to your insane lifestyle it is still illegal and you are coming downtown with us," said Robin.

They come after me but I dodge turning into living energy and zapping into the power lines making my escape " nice try batty and boy fucker with my speed and power you are never catching me" I said chuckling and taking my leave.

I get home and walk in as a bunch of daggers are thrown at me around 90mph pshh that's nothing. I create a strike of electrical energy, shattering them all before even coming close to me. "Hey dad I'm home."
"Why do you only say hi to him why not me your mother?" Harley whined.

"Because I am not having a weak whining skank as my mother, and plus you really aren't my mother" I say showing her the energy sparkling around my fist. When it's a clear night like tonight I like to sleep outside so that's what I'm going to do. I grab my old worn mattress and my dragon pillow pet I stole from some kid's room and drag it outside along with a comforter I stole as well. I set everything up outside and set my phones alarm clock for school. I look up into the stars like I always do contemplating my life and its style; like what am I doing and where am I going. Is this my future, is this how my whole life is going to be

Sorry this chapter is so short.  Please let me know what you think.  Comments and questions are always welcomed.

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