Screwed up

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Waking up to a single light in my eyes and handcuffs made from my weakness. They got me and I am not very pleased about this discovery. Then walks in dumb, dumber, and dumbest. I don't say anything just got to stay quiet and look intimidating... never mind fuck this. 

 "Well Bruce, Luke, and Wally take off the fucking costumes I know who you all are and have for a very very long time; plus if I cant be in my costume neither should you." Bruce doesn't look to please and Luke's shocked expression says it all but like with everything else I don't truly give two fucks.

"How long have you know and why haven't you told Joker?" questioned Bruce.

"Listen here Brucy I like to have fun so I like to keep secrets and play around with people and everything. I have known since I started going to school with Lukey boy here I have a sharp eyes and I followed him home to you and your back cave. 

 Getting in was easy I went through the computer systems and got all your information. I never told anyone especially joker because it would ruin my fun and what's life with no fun."

"Come on Jackie what's the real reason you didn't tell Joker, aren't you loyal to him like a dog?" asked Luke.

"No I am not loyal to him like a dog... I didn't tell Joker because even though he is my dad and taught me everything he knows to create the perfect psychotic soldier but no at the end of the day he is still the Joker and he cant be trusted and I am like him so I don't tell him everything like he doesn't tell me everything its equal.

 It's all about survival I am not as stupid you would think everything I do has a purpose. No I am done answering questions." Bruce and Luke left the room leaving Wally behind of course they would leave him to talk with me but if he or they think I am going to talk with him after what they did fat fucking chance.

"So Jackie earlier you never told me how many people have you killed?"

Wally takes his chair and puts it close in front of me gazing into my eyes... into what's left of my soul. He smiles and it makes me blush so I try to turn away but I cant because of these stupid restrains. All of a sudden I start to tear up, me I don't cry.

"Jackie you ok?"

"It's just the drugs you gave me and you shouldn't care you lied to me."

"I do care that's why I brought you here; you need help and not to be apart of this life anymore."

"I don't need you to tell me what I do and don't need. Just let me go!"

"Sorry Jackie no can do so might as well start talking doesn't even have to be about where you live."

"Fine might as well. I have so far only killed 15 people and I'll be honest I didn't feel regret about anyone, it felt great taking away their lives torturously by my hands, and when joker asked me to dispose of people or torture them my life gained purpose. I have no regret and I feel nothing call me what you want I am just plain out bloodthirsty. Now let me go I have told you everything.

"Jackie like I said before I am sorry but no can do," he said leaving.

Great I told him what he wants and the he leaves... "Fuck my life" I say banging my head down. Brining my head up I remind myself who I am and what I am capable off. I grab my finger I purposely have long and use it to unlock the handcuffs.

 I get the cuffs off and disappear into their electrical system shutting off the power of the so I get away with no trouble. I finally arrive home and to Joker and Harley standing there with smiles on their faces but those slowly disappears when Batman, Boy Wonder, and Flash come because they followed me.

"You led them here!?" screamed Joker "You are going to get rid of them now! Harley get the hyenas and your hammer."

"Will do Mistah J" she says skipping around the room.

We fight them off I take on Flash and Harley gets Boy wonder and of course Joker gets Batman. We didn't exactly beat them but we got them out of the house and Joker turns around looking like he was going to kill someone and for once it wasn't Harley. 

 He takes something from Harley what she got for him and threw it on me and while I was down because what he threw was my weakness he took a syringe and out my weakness inside of me making me weak and making me pass out. 

 I wake up in a cell and there is food and I keep feeling weaker and weaker because the food was mixed with my weakness so I stopped eating that didn't help at all. Harley would come to syringe me more and eating is energy I wasnt eating so I don't have an energy. Joker comes down today and opens the cell. He enters and has a metal pipe with him.

"Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, you are my daughter my prodigy; Harley is the screw up not you and yet you disobeyed my trust and lost my respect. I raised you to be just like me."

"Yea and I did something you would do."

"Don't sass me you are in no position but for the next four weeks you will be having punishment time; let me give you a sneak peek of what you will be going through," he cackles.

He takes the pipe and brings it down hard on my leg and does it over and over all over my body. The last blow hits my head and knocks me out making me drip blood and I watch him leave as the darkness clouds my eyes.  I lie here alone, cold, and knocked out; most importantly I feel weak and even worse helpless. 

 Like he said this happens for four weeks, today I am let out and put to the test.  

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