Is this it?

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"Now Jackie no killing," says Wally shaking his finger at me.

"...Fine ugh you take the fun out of life," I reply to Wally hanging up the phone and heading over to Harley's location. We get to the location and right of the bat Bud and Lou jump out and attack. Then from the shadows a hammer slams down.

"You bitch you killed him, you fucking killed him!"

"Aww Harles it's so good to see you two how was the psych?"

"Shut up I am going to kill you."

"Well that's a joke you know you aren't even close to my strength." Her hammer slams on my head but I created an electrical shield that sent shock waves through her hammer to her knocking her out. We drop her off to jail and then stop at my old school, watching it get rebuilt after I destroyed it. I feel arms come around me and no one else would dare to do that except my boyfriend. He slowly starts kissing me on my neck turning me on so much. He flips me around and starts kissing me more and more passionatly. 

 We take my motorcycle and head back to his place, which is now my place. He throws me onto his bed and flashes over. Leaning over me kissing me all over leading to a fantastic night.  

Since the school is shut down for reasons already know i have been focusing on catching some basic bad guys.  Robbers, drug dealers, perverts, ect.  The most action i get is with the drug dealers but they all treat me as more of a joke now, all because I'm on the good side.

I head over to ICE's house the biggest dealer on the streets right now.  I walk up to the door casually in my new uniform.  Thats right i got a new "uniform".  This one Is electric blue and white, I'm known as Electress, which makes me want to vomit inside.  I knock on the door and some drugged up lack opens it.  

"Oh boys look who has come knocking."

"Dont mock me you'll regret it."

"Alright Miss Electress we don't want know trouble from Batman your new boss.  Damn betraying your own father just for some boy," he kept going on and on as they laughed in the background.  

I can feel the electrical energy bouncing off the walls on my insides heating up.

"Oh look boys she is mad we better run, or not," he said pulling out a pistol. 

I look up to him and my eyes have gone pure black and sparks are flying off me.  I reach my hand up and grab his head frying his brain until you could see it drip down the side of his head.  "Whose next?" I ask walking into the house and shutting the door.  Soon the police arrive with Batman, Robin, and Wally

"Jackie what the hell happened!!?" screamed Wally after coming back outside from inside the house.

"I caught the bad guy," i said pointing to him being lifted onto a gurney and being taken away.

"I'll take care of this," said Batman.

"No she is my girlfriend," Screams Wally as he goes on and on.  I tune him out.  I am so fucking tired of the lectures, if you love someone you are supposed to except them for who they are and where they came from.  All he does is try to change me and make me more like him.  Ive never been so depressed in my life, I regret my decision everyday.  I am so done with this god damn life.  Burning in hell would be better!

 Well there you have it I kick bad guy ass and have extraordinary sex the end that's that.  But is that all I want from my life.  Everything is the same and so so boring.  Until I met a funny guy named Hype who has a very well known father... Deadpool, which opened up an all-new adventure.

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