Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen: First day in Sundorms! Huh? Why not! I'm not a fangirl asswhole!

- Kira -

With the promise of my papa I had gotten to stay at the Sundorms. Meaning I don't have to see Kaname all the time or go to any of his classes. This of course is a huge relief but the only thing I'm sad about is that my brothers have to go to the moon dorm. I had wanted them to go to the same classes with me.

But I guess I can't get everything I want. I was given the right to have Sebastian Claude and Ash with me at all times. The only thing is that they have to dress like normal students and wear a badge that has a cool looking emblem. It symbols that they are my guards and that have the right to be there.

- Author -

The sun rose and a loud knock sounded out in the quiet room which was Kira's dorm where her and her butlers stayed. Sebastian was in the built in Kitchen making lots of snack for the first day of school. Humming a song as he happily busied himself for his Mistress. While Claude was busy remaking the uniform into the finest material and also adding and changing the uniform design to make his Beloved Mistress unique in the crowd.

While Ash organised and got all her school supplies ready and also got Kira-sama's bath and daily routine ready for her to use. When the knock rang out in the busy room all of them looked up there eyes narrowed as Sebastian signaled for Ash to open up the door. Walking over to the door Ash unlocked all eight locks and slowly opened the door. A fake friendly smile plastered on his pretty face. As he faced a young girl with Light Brown hair and dull Brownish-red like win eyes.

Her eyes widened in shock at how pretty this male was as her cheeks flared up into a blush she stuttered," I-I a-am Yuki." Bowing she then continued," I-I uh w-will be guiding you guys today."

Ash sighed and closed the door turning around he said," It was nothing but a Moth."


Yuki who stood outside the door cried as she held her nose while whining towards Zero who stood against the wall. His eyes closed and ignoring Yuki who keep trying to get his attention while he thought of the young girl in the dorms. Yuki finally gave up and sat down against he wall a dark cloud hanging above her head. As she sat there in depression and waited for the new students to finish getting dressed.


A small adorable yawn sounded out from the huge pile of soft fluffy blankets as a figure wiggled about to escape from the hill she called a bed. Sitting up she stretched with a arch of her back and pulled her legs over the edge of the bed. slightly falling to the ground with a ' Thump' then trudging into the bathroom slamming the door shut.

All the males in the room watched all this happen with loved filled eyes this was there favorite part of the day as for they could see there kawaii mistress get up with her messy hair and long T-shirt. A little later a nice clean and vanilla smelling Kira walked out of the bathroom her hair dry but damp at the end. As it naturally curled and with a kawaii new uniform designed just for her showing off her curves. She looked up with hearts in her eyes as the wonderful aroma of Blue berry pancakes topped with home made strawberry syrup. Skipping over excitedly she sat down on a chair at the table and drooled. Making Sebastian grab a Napkin and wipe it up then hand her a Golden fork to use.

Out of excitement Kira snatched the Fork out of Sebastian's hand and started to dig in her face full of awe as the blue berry and strawberry mixed making a fantastic taste. Her face was flushed as she made noises of agreement and commented to Sebastian," Seba-kun you should make this more often."

Sebastian smiled down at her with lots of affection and spoke softly," If I did that then you would soon be over it and want something new."

Kira thought for a second and giggled," True."


Walking out of the dorm Kira turned around and locked the door as all four boys stood next to each other waiting on Kira. As Yuki looked at Kira with annoyance while Kira turned around and looked at all of them in there new uniform.

Thinking Kira smiled and said," I love this new look ." Her eyes sparkling," You guys look like someone famous in cute uniform's it makes you look dashing."

Yuki started to glare daggers at Kira as Kira walked up to Zero and asked with puppy dog eyes," Will you carry me? You look nice ." She then smiled which soon faded.

" No you blood sucking Vampire." He glared at her and narrowed his eyes," I don't even know why the Headmaster let you into the day class."

Kira's eyes started to water as she stared at him," I'm not like them I-I don't even want to be a vampire." Tears streamed down her pale face as she hiccuped," I don't even want to hurt people and see people in pain. I-I don't want them to go through what I went through." She trailed off then looked down and turned around quickly fleeing from everyone.

Sobs echoing through the wind as she disappeared from there sight. All her butlers disappeared too as they went searching for there Mistress and Zero just stood there frozen. While Yuki was complaining about how much a baby the new girl was and how dumb the new girl was.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2018 ⏰

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