Chapter 10

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As soon as this party was over I planned to tell Kasen what happened.

Turns out I would get a big suprise later on that night. 2 big suprises.

I made my way towards the house again after my tremendous fall.

I placed the note in my front pocket before placing my thumb on the finger print scanner. The door to my house openes up immediately.

I walked in and Jasmine was giving me a suspicious look.

I ignored it for now and went straight to the platter of cup cakes.

I grabbed one platter and waited on her. Instead of picking it up she was still giving me the look.

I sighed.

"Will you stop looking at me  like that and get the damn platter" I say annoyance clear in my voice.

This time she understood and picked up the platter. I walked out with her following me.

When we got outside Kasen and Quad took the platters from us and set them on the table and started lighting the 3 candles that were on the cake.

While they did that I gathered up the kids so we could sing happy birthday.

When we got everybody together I started it off.

"Happy Birthday to you" I sing. Everybody joins in as we sing.

Halfway through the song I could hear the door bell ring.

I signaled everybody to continue and I ran to the door.

I opened it with out looking through the peep hole.

I was face to face with my 2 oldest children. Justin and Hazel.

"Hello mum" they both said with big smiles.

I dont know why but this made me feel like I were seeing ghost. I guess it has been too long since I last seen them.

"Hazel....Justin?" I say not believing what I was seeing.  Hazel nods.

"Yeah mom its us" she says. I touched both their faces. It was real.

"what in the hell... explain later get in here and come see your brother and sisters" I say.

The giggle but follow me inside. I close the door and pull them into the living room and out the back door.

"Mommy you missed it they sung happy birthday to us" Paris says coming over to me.

I pick her up. "I saw it baby girl....theres somebody I want you to meet" I say.

She nods her head. "This is Justin and Hazel....your big brother and sister" I say.  She looks at Hazel and then at Justin.

"Put me down mommie" she says. I put her down and she goes over to Justin.  She pulls at his pants leg. He gets to her level and then she whispers in his ear.

Justin lets out a booming laugh. Ot grabs everybody's attention. I look over and Kasen had the ghost look. He couldnt believe it either. He quickly scooped up David and Mariah and made his way over.

He placed Mariah and David on their feet and dapped up Justin and gave him a manly hug.  Then he looked at Hazel and I could tell the love was still there. When it came to Hazel,  Kasen would always have that special place in his heart. He gave her a hug and picked her up like she was still a light weight little girl.

I smiled and looked at the kids. Paris was in Justin's arms and David was getting along with Hazel's hair. Mariah was behind my leg with her lip poked out.

I picked her and looked at her. "Whats wrong baby girl?" I ask.

A tear comes out her eye. "Daddy loves her more then me" she says pointing at Hazel.

I sigh. This was going to be an interesting conversation.

*Sorry for making you guys wait ive been busy planning for prom and all that but you guys have me for the summer....I promise you that....well guys Tell me what you think.....VOTE COMMENT FOLLOW



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