Chapter 16

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Im back......yup im back....and anybody that comments something rude....haha I got ya a gift :)....Lets get into this chapter.....THIS CHAPTER IS NOT EDITED SORRY FOR MISTAKES


Karma's a bitch she sits around fucking up lives til theirs nothing left of them. -Anonymous

"Stop Kasen!!" I scream up at him.

He laughs. "Im sorry babe its just so big....your soo short its cute" he teases.

I scowl at him and push him.

"Mommie can we go to the tea cup?" Paris says.

I nod my head picking her up and taking her over. We all get in and wait for the ride to start.

When it start Kasen and Mariah grab each other and Paris grabs my pinky and David grabs my other pinky....They giggle the whole ride.

*15 minutes later*

We met up with Quad and Jasmine and ours kids ran towards them with the big stuffed animals they won.

I also had one myself courtesy of bae...When We finally got done with the show and tell we made our way towards a restaurant to eat.

When we sat down I felt good. I had been on my feet for ours being dragged from ride to ride by my kids. Now it was time to relax.

Or so I thought.

"Dezmond?" a man says coming towards me with a phone.

"Yeah thats me" I say.

He hands me the phone and I greet the person.

"Dezmond I need you and Kasen to come to Cali...Hazel is getting her self in a world of trouble" My uncle Brian says.

I sigh and look at Kasen.

"Okay...we will be there" I say.

I hang up and hand the man the man the phone.

"We gotta get packed Kasen now" I say getting up.

"Jasmine and Quad can you please let the kids stay here longer...when your done ill send for you guys...other then that heres a black card...if they need anything get it...and dont forget to give David his insulin" I say catching my breathe.

She nods and so does Quad.

Me and Kasen kiss our kids and run out the restaurant and towards our hotel room.

*5 minutes later*

We made it and started packing up. I packed all my clothes and we were out the door in a split second.

A taxy was already waiting to take us to the airport. 

When we reachdd the air port we borded the flight and I was so nervous.  I knew I shouldnt have let her go to Cali...I knew this.

Guess I gotta learn from my mistakes. Im tired of being still that tough ass bitch....ill slap some damn sense into Hazel if she doing anything stupid.

I dont care how old her ass is....ill still whoop her like I had to do when she was growing up.

I favoritism is showed in my house. They all get the same treatment.

*6 hours later*

We made it to Cali and got our bags. My uncle Brian had a limo there to get us. It drove us to and old trap house we use to have back here.

Alot of shit flashed in my head when I saw this trap.

I looked at a worried Kasen and his face kind of lit up when he seen this house.

The driver stopped in front of it and we got out.

We knocked and people let us in automatically.

"Ill be damned...never thought Id see you around here anymore" I hear my cousin says.

I run towards her and hug her.

"Serious shit me and Kasen need some guns" I say.

she looks at me worried.

"Whats wrong girl?" she ask.

I sigh. " Vincent and his crew want war" I say.

She nods and hands me a gun.

"Shoot a couple rounds for me" she says.

I nod and throw Kasen his gun. He cocks it and gets up.

"Lets roll D-Queen" he says.

I follow behind him back to the car.

Hazel's ass was coming home wether she liked it or not.


Filler chapter to get us back on track.....Welp im back yall frfr Iam and to all the rude comments go to hell who cares...

Tell me what ya think....I need to know....VOTE COMMENT FOLLOW


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