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I looked at her pictures on the wall most of them were with me. Even if I wasn't in them, I was there because I had taken them.

These were the pictures she knew about. Ones that I had taken with her knowing about it. Whether it was during our school years. From elementary to high school, varies of pictures adorned the linen pin board that she had made for me two years ago. She had happily decorated saying that it brightened the rather boring room up. She had said it was barren. Though in my opinion it was just simple.

I didn't need anything. Except her in my life.

There were other pictures.

So much more. Ones she did not know about, but they were mostly from high school and now.

Pictures of her sleeping, eating and in her natural state. It was my joy and pleasure time that I looked at them.
She was so beautiful.

Her hair.
Her lips.
Her eyes.
Her nose.
Her fingers.
Her body.

Her body...it was exactly the way I wanted my woman to be. She was my ideal woman.

I could feel myself getting anxious and impatient so I stopped myself before my thoughts could go beyond control.

I continued to do what I was doing, writing lyrics and making music. It was my forte.

Several hours after, I looked at the clock to see that it was five before 6 pm.

I had thought that she would arrive. I was sad. She had not come visit me today. I knew her schedule.

I knew because she told me. She rarely kept things a secret from me or her close friends. But I was the most important to her.

She was an open book. Or so she liked to say. For her, they just had to ask and she would reply, answer, truthfully and honestly.

It was one of her virtues. I loved that about her but I knew that if I lived to love her...there were others who would see her beauty. And they would steal her away.

I couldn't let that happen.

Not when she was mine.

And how was I supposed to live without her?

She promised. She promised to be with me forever...

She came later, forty seven minutes later than she promised.

But she came to visit me so I wasn't too upset. She knew the passcode to my apartment and she knew I would be home. It was not like I would go anywhere else.

She came in waltzing and humming an unknown tune.

She was happy. Too happy.

It should have been a warning. A sign. I should have realized that there was something more going on with my little kitty.

Instead, I had been too happy with her arrival, her presence that her dolled up state did not cause the alarms in my head to go off. She came to hug me as usual.

I hugged her back, my fingers lingering on her back, feeling the heat of her body. It felt real good.

"What brings you here today?" I asked.

"Your mom wanted me to check on you. You haven't called her in two weeks."

Then I remembered that I was supposed to. That had been my fault but sometimes I did it on purpose because I knew that she would come to scold me at my mother's request. I shouldn't but I couldn't help it.

"I forgot." I pulled at the back of my neck massaging it.

"Yoongi...that's bad. Come on. She's your mother..." she frowned but let it go as she saw how tired I was.

"I'll give her a call tonight." I promised and I would.

"Good. Oh. Guess what?" She lightened up before throwing her bag down on the wooden floor. It made a thud sound.

"What is it?" I asked nonchalantly. I wondered what she would say, but it had been nothing good.

"Guess who has a boyfriend?" She chimed happily.

I froze. My heart sank.


What did she just say to me?

HIS: Kitten (Yoongi) | {Book 1} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now