How it all started

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Gumball P.O.V

What started this feeling wasn't much: it was just the look in his eyes. That looked burned me up inside leaving a mark. I couldn't sleep that night. I just stayed up and thought about it. Thought about him. Over and over again. Just thinking about it now gets me flustered. 

I think he was crying for a moment there. It was dark and lasted for a couple of seconds so I'm not sure if they were tears or not. But whatever it was I remembered it. 

Does he remember? Probably not. He was drunk. Oh glob, he was drunk maybe it was just because he was drunk. But the look he gave me. It haunts me.

Two weeks ago

I wake up and have a slight headache. I guess I didn't have enough sleep. Last night I stayed up late working on school stuff and now I'm paying the price with a headache and being tired. 

I shake my head a little and collect my thoughts. I look at the time. 7:05 am. My first class starts at 8:15. I have time to shower. I get up and drag myself to the washroom. 

I was lucky to get this room to myself. I live in a dormitory and on this side of the building lives the boys and on the other side lives the girls. We all in this building are marked as "Special Students" or as others refers to us "The Sassy Squad." I hated that nickname. But it was true. We are sassy.

I get to the washroom and look at myself in the mirror. My pink hair was a mess. I hated it when it was this messy. All over my face making it hard to see. I sigh and undress. By that I mean I took my shirt and boxers off. I step in the shower and start off the water. It was a little cold, but refreshing. I felt how the stress started slipping away. I took a deep breath and cleaned myself. 

After showering I put on clothes. I feel lazy today so I put on a white t-shirt and on top of that a light pink hoodie and some light blue jeans. I finish my outfit with pink converse. Then I fix my hair with gel making it stay in it's place. I looked at myself again in the mirror. My skin looked even lighter than usual. Was I getting sick? No way. I never get sick.

My morning classes go by and now it's lunch. I go sit outside alone. Like always. I don't feel the need for friends. But lately people have tried to be in my life. I sigh and start eating my lunch and then Finn, Jake and his girlfriend Raini, Fionna, Cake and her boyfriend Mono shows up. Speak of the devil. 

These people are in the SS side too. It's common for Special Students to stick together, because the rest of the school either hated or loved us. They all sit down and says hi to me. I simply smile a little and then I focus on my lunch again.

 At least Marshall didn't come. It wasn't that I hated the guy. He just annoyed the glob out of me. I sighed. I guess I just really like him. Then soon after I hoped nobody noticed. 

Finn and Fionna are now running around chasing each other and laughing. Jake and Raini are doing what they do best: speaking Korean and making us confused. Cake on the other hand is just sitting in silence with Mono. Mono doesn't have vocal cords so they speak in sing language they made up together. And here I was. Sitting and thinking about this and that.

Suddenly my train of thoughts gets interrupted by a loud yell "Hey guys! Did ya miss me?" It was Marshall. Oh glob. Why was he here. He was supposed to be in tutoring session, because he keeps missing on school because of his band stuff. Yeah right. He just was skipping on school because he felt like it. 

I looked down at my food and tried to make myself invisible, but that was impossible so I just sat there silently trying to eat slowly. Marshall sits next to me and chats with others and starts eating his food. 

"Didn't you have that hot date with the teacher?" Finn asked him. Marshall laughed and answered "Nah. I didn't feel like going there. The teacher was a dude and I decided to copy from others." He smirked. I tried to ignore him. 

Then Marshall looked at me "And I wanted to see you. How are you doing?" He asked me quietly so others wouldn't hear him. I froze. Glob. 

"Really funny Marshall." I said coldly. He looked at me confused. Well I wasn't looking at his face but I felt his confusion. Then I packed my stuff and got up "I'm going." Everybody looked confused. They asked me why but I blocked out the rest and walked away.

The school ended for the day and I was lucky not to see them for the rest of the day. I really didn't want to explain myself. Mostly because I don't even know myself. It's just that every time Marshall gets close to me I start to lose control over my thoughts and everything gets blurry. I am a control freak so that feeling is so frustrating.

Marshall P.O.V

Since lunch I've been trying to look for Gumball. He left so quickly and looked a little upset. Angry maybe? He looked like he was about to cry. I'm not really going out of my way to look for him because the thought that I caused that haunts me. I hate seeing him upset. I can't really explain why. And every time I do see him upset I just want to hug him, and make it all better. Glob, what am I thinking. We're just friends. Yeah, friends.

I go back to the dormitory after school and look around. Wishing to see Gumball somewhere. I don't see him so I assume he is in his room. 

First I go to my own room and drop off my backpack and look in the mirror on my way out. My kind of long black hair is a little mess and hangs on my face. I don't really care about it. I look at my clothes to see if they are fine. I have black t-shirt on and on top of that is a dark red flannel. I also have black tight ripped jeans and dark red converse. I really like red and black. 

Then I look at my phone. And gather my courage. I've never really went to Gumball's room. I do know he lives there alone like I do. So if I go there he will be alone. We will be alone. I take a deep breath and leave my room closing the door behind me. I take the elevator to the second floor because his room is there. Mine is on the third floor.

I got to his room and before knocking I took a deep breath. Then I knocked and I heard some movement inside. I heard a couple of steps and then the door opened just enough for me to see Gumball standing there. 

He looked confused. And stressed. I caught a glimpse of what was going on inside. There were homework and school books and papers everywhere. It was almost covering the whole floor. Then I looked back at Gumball he looked even more confused. 

Gumball spoke with a tired voice "Hi Marshall... umm.. Why are you here?" I took a moment to collect my thoughts and I answered with a little concerned smile "I came to check up on you. How are you feeling?" Gumball's face forced a little smile on and he said in as calm voice as he could "I'm doing fine. Just doing some school stuff. Sorry if I worried you."

"Oh.. you look tired. Are you getting enough sleep?"

"Yes.. yes I am", he looks down avoiding my eyes.

"Are you hungry?" If he didn't want to talk about it then I won't ask.

He looks behind himself and then sighs "Yeah a little.."

"Let's go eat then." I smile and I see a little smile forming on his face as he nods.

After that we head out to get something to eat. We take my car and drive to the closest fast food restaurant and we order. I insist on paying which makes him a little annoyed in the playful way. He crosses his arms as we sit down to eat and he says in a quiet voice "I'll pay back." I chuckle. Oh glob he's cute. "You don't have to. Really." I smile. He opens his mouth as to say something but seeing the look on my face he realizes I'm not giving up so he gives in. "Fine", he sighs and starts eating his food. I eat my food and I keep looking at him when he doesn't notice.

~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~


So I started writing this and the text just kept coming out with no intention to stop. Sorry this is so long and nothing good happened. But I promise in the next chapter I'll give you something fun. I really hope you enjoy this. Also this is my first time writing something like this so sorry if it's not good. I'll keep going and improving.

~ xoxo

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