Party: The Look

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Marshall P.O.V.

After we are done playing I head out to the audience. I try to see the pink haired boy but there is too many people in my way. But I can't give up.

People keep stopping me for one drink and then another. I take the shots quickly and be on my way. Then I see a flash of the pink boy going outside. I have to hurry. I run after him.

Gumball P.O.V.

I go to the front yard to take a breather. I still feel awful. I look at the road and think I could leave now. I start walking down the road until I can't see anyone anymore. All I hear is just muffled sounds.

Then I hear footsteps coming towards me. I look behind me and see Marshall running. I stop. When he's in front me he stops and takes a deep breath.

"Dude.. You can't leave early. At least you can't without telling me" he says grinning. He smells like alcohol. I shrug my shoulders.

"I didn't feel so good. And I didn't find you so I thought I would just leave. I really thought that you wouldn't even notice me leaving. Huh.. Guess I was wrong" I say looking away from Marshall. He looks at me a little confused. Then I look up to see his face. He looks upset but I can't see very well because there is no streetlights and it's late at night.

I try my best to stay calm but something about this situation makes me want something else. I just want to run away from these feelings. I hate how I feel right now. Seeing him upset makes me even more upset than I already were. I open my mouth to say something but I can't come up with anything. Marshall's eyes are still on me and only me. He doesn't look away. Like he's waiting for something.. No.. He's gathering up courage to do something. I'm afraid to know what it is.

"Of course I would notice..." he says a little confused. I stand still. My heart starts beating faster and I start loosing control over my feelings.

"I.. uh.." I can't come up with anything to say. I have to stop these feelings before anything happens. Why am I so worked up? We are friends. If even that. "I don't know why you would care about seeing me here when you have so many other people around," I finally say. He looks surprised..? I can't really tell. He looks surprised and upset.

"What are you talking about..?" he asks quietly and whit so confused expression that I see it even though it's dark.

"You're known for making out with anyone and everyone who wants you. You have everyone at your feet waiting for you to pick them. So why are you picking on me?" I keep getting more annoyed. Not at him but at myself.

"What... I... don't care about others.." he steps closer. I step backwards. He takes two steps closer. I can't get away now. He looks at me straight in the eyes. It's dark so I can't really see what he's thinking. I can't really see his expression. His eyes drill through my head. They are full of emotions. He has captured my eyes and I can't turn away.

It's like his eyes are trying to say something but I'm blind and I can't see it. He stays there for a while. He's so close that even a slightest movement would make us touch. He tries to calm down and gather up his words.

"Gumball... Do you hate me?" he asks quietly with a shaky voice. It's like he doesn't even want to hear the answer.

I open my mouth to answer but I can't seem to come up with anything. He notices my silence and steps back. He wipes his eyes quickly and puts on a smile. "Nevermind," he says quickly and starts running back to the party.

I stay still. I want to tell him to stop. But what would I say after that?

I get back to the dorms and when I get to my room I lay down on the bed. I stare at the roof and try to think. His eyes locked on mine. His smell. The warmth he gave out. It all plays back. It plays out like a movie and I keep coming up with different ways it could've gone. I didn't answer his question because I didn't know either. What do I feel towards him?

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