All is not well in waffleville part 2

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This continues where the last one ended. Saying this so no one is left confused. Enjoy.


Gumball P.O.V.

I wake up feeling like I was hit by a truck. I sit up slowly and look around. Marshall is sitting on the floor doing school stuff while listening to music. He actually stayed.

Then he notices me and takes his headphones off and says with a smile "Did you sleep well? How are you feeling? Are you hungry?" "So many questions.." I chuckle and then cough. Marshall jumps up and gets a water bottle and hands it to me. "Here. Drink up", he says with a smile.

After drinking half of the water I start feeling like I was hit by a truck. I am not sick. Marshall sits down next to me and puts his hand on my forehead. Then he looks at me with a worried look. "You have a fever.."

"No I don't. I never get sick."

"Well I'm not lying. Here look."

He takes my left hand places it on his forehead and then after that placing it on my forehead. He was right. I have a fever.

"You should sleep through the night. But before that you should eat something." He says and hands me something to eat. I eat slowly. Once I'm done eating I drink more water.

At this point I feel so many emotions at once. I don't know which one to focus on. The fact that I feel absolutely awful. Of the fact that Marshall is sitting here next to me and taking care of me.
I just want to hug him. Also I just want to die in a fire.

Marshall P.O.V.

I look at Gumball. He looks so miserable and sick. I just can't stand to see him like this. I just want to hug him so badly. Then I decide to give in to my temptations. You'll never know if you never try.

I wrap my arms around him and pull him closer to me. I feel his body heat. It feels like he's burning up. I think he's also blushing but I'm not sure. He is at first a little shocked but then he relaxes and wraps his arms around me and rests his head on my shoulder.

I know he's tired so I lay him down while holding onto the hug and lay beside him. He's already starting to fall asleep.

I lay there holding onto him. Breathing in his scent. Savoring every moment.

He's sleeping and at this point I'm getting tired too. I kiss his forehead and whisper "Goodnight Gumball." And then I fall asleep too. Right there next to him.

The next morning

Gumball P.O.V.

I wake up to a headache. I feel even worse than yesterday. I cough. Then a memory pops up. I slept next to Marshall.

I look around to see where is he because he's not next to me. I don't see him but then I notice a note left on my drawer. "Gone out to get you medicine. Be right back. ~Marshall"

I cough again and lay back down. I can't help but feel happy that he's taking care of me. Once I get better I have to make it up to him somehow.

I look at the time. I'm late for school. Then I look at my hands. I am sick. If I went to school now they would send me back. And if I left now without saying anything Marshall would get worried. Just the thought of that made me smile.

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted with the door opening and Marshall walking in. He's carrying a plastic bag and I assume those are the stuff he bought.

He puts the bag down and walks over to me and sits next to me. I cough on my hand. He places his hand on my forehead again. Then he looks at me with a concerned smile. "How are you feeling?" He asks and you can hear from his voice that he's worried.

"I feel sick." I answer and the cough.

"You are sick." He says and runs his fingers through my hair.

"Do you need something? I got something to eat and some medicine." He asks and looks at me smiling a little smile.

"Water please." I say quietly.

He stands up and gets me a water bottle and hands it to me. "Here."

I sit up and start drinking the water slowly.

I've never seen this side of him. And I'm really happy that I did. He's so sweet and gentle. I always thought he was a trouble maker but the way he looks at me now.. well lets just say I wouldn't mind the trouble he gets me into.

I put down the water and take a deep breath and then I cough. "Do you have something for a headache?" I ask quietly. He nods and gets me some pain killers.

Once I've taken the pain killers I remember something. "I should inform the school", I mumble to myself.

Marshall puts his hand on top of mine and looks at me with a patient smile. "I already informed them. You should rest now", he says.

I can't help but blush a little. I lay down and all I could think of is just "Thank you."

To this he responds with running his fingers through my hair and still keeping his other hand on top of mine. I hold his hand and then I fall alseep again.



Gumball is not going to be sick in the next one so we might get them to really get down to business. Also drama might be ahead. Fuhuhuhu~


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