Party: Maybe he's no good

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This takes place couple of days after where the last chapter ended. Gumball is now healthy and back in school ~all thanks to Marshall~

The song Nightosphere plays is called New Blood by Zayde Wolf~



Gumball P.O.V.

I sit in class trying to focus but my mind still wonders off to Marshall. It has been a couple of days now and he's not at school. Finn said Marshall and his band are rehearsing for something.

The day when I was sick I slept mostly and whenever I woke up Marshall was there. He kept asking how I felt and if I needed something. I try to push down the smile that tries to creep up on my face.

The classes are over for today so I'm walking down the hall to get to my locker. My mind is on something again. Most likely Marshall. Then Finn and Jake interrupts my thoughts.

"Hey Gumball! Haven't seen you since you got sick. How are you feeling now?" Finn asked with a big smile on his face. Jake stood beside him with a patient smile.

"I feel a lot better. Thanks to Marshall", I answer and look away to hide my small blush.

"That's great to hear", stated Jake while giving a thumbs up.

"Ooohh... If you're feeling better you totally have to come to Marshall's party the day after tomorrow!" Finn says almost jumping from exitment.

"Marshall's band Nightosphere is making a big hit so they wanted to throw a party. They'll also play there", Jake explained while laughing at Finn.

"You have to come!" Finn almost yells. "Yeah dude", Jake said.

"I don't know. I have to study", I say while looking at my shoes. I'm not a party person.

"Think about it!" Finn yells while they walk away.

"Should I go.." I mumble to myself quietly. While I walk away I look up and notice Marshall. He notices me too and walks up to me.

Marshall P.O.V.

I see Gumball down the hall and a I can't help but smile. I walk up to him and ask "Hey. How are you feeling?" He smiles a little smile and answers "I'm feeling a lot better.. Thanks for looking after me while being sick..." He looks down to hide his blush.

"Yeah.. no problem.. I was happy to help.." I skratch my neck and look away to hide my own blush. We both smile. Then I remember my party. Actually I wanted to ask him few days ago but I never got the chance. I also knew Gumball isn't a party person.

"Hey.. Did you hear about my party coming up this weekend?" I ask anyways.

He nods.

"Are you coming?"

He shrugs his shoulders "I don't know.."

"It'll be fun. We could hang out the whole time I'm not playing. I think you should come" I smile trying to convince him.

"Is it important that I come?" He asks

"Yeah. It's important to me" I answer.

"I guess I'll come then."

We talk about something else after that and then go separate ways. I'm so happy that he agreed to come.

Time skip to the party

Gumball P.O.V.

I arrive at Marshall's house. It's huge. There are people everywhere. I get really nervous and part of me just wants to go home. But Marshall said this is important to him. I take a deep breath and go inside. People are starting to gather around the instruments that are placed in the middle of the enormous living room. I can't say what the house looked like because it's really dark and there are too many people in the way. I take another deep breath.

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