All is not well in waffleville

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The beginning of this takes place two days after where the last chapter ended. Enjoy.

~ xoxo


Gumball P.O.V.

It has been a couple of calm days after hanging out with Marshall. We ended up after eating going to a movie and we saw a comedy and laughed our butts off. It was really fun. When he first showed up at my door I was a little shocked but also really happy to see him. I hate to admit that but he was just what I needed to take my mind off school. I was so stressed. I am still stressed but that helped.

After that he kind of disappeared. Finn said he was doing something relating to his band but I'm not sure.

I'm in the middle of the class looking outside the window and not focusing on the teaching. This is unusual to me. That's what the teacher also said after class. She also asked if I was sick. "No. I never get sick", I responded right away while shaking my head. I had already decided that I won't get sick. Then I walked out of class and headed outside because it was lunch time.

I sat down and looked at my lunch. This is closer to nothing than to something. I wasn't hungry. I didn't feel like eating at all actually. Just the thought of putting that in my mouth made me want to throw up. I pushed the food farther from me. I'll eat later.

Then I notice someone approaching me and I recognize him right away. Marshall sat down next to me really close but not too close. Him being that close didn't bother me it was just that he was sitting in a way where he would face me.

He smiled and said "Hi" in his calming low voice. I smiled as a hello and then I looked back at my food. Marshall noticed that I wasn't eating and he asked with a concerned calming voice "Aren't you eating?" I shake my head a little. "Aren't you hungry? You look tired. Are you even taking care of yourself?" So many question. All I can answer with is just a simple "I'm fine. Just not that hungry right now. I'll eat later."

Marshall P.O.V.

I keep looking at Gumball. He looks a little sick and I'm getting worried.

"Is something wrong?" I ask carefully trying to not make him run away. Gumball turns to look at me. He looks a little shocked. "Y-yeah..", he stutters. I lift my hand place it on his forehead for a moment. This causes him to jump a little out of surprise. Then I move my hand to my own forehead. "No fever.." I think out loud and then I continue "You should go rest." Gumball looks the other way. I think I caused him to blush a little. "I don't want to. I'm not sick", he says trying to convince me, well I think he's trying to convince himself. "C'mon. Go rest. I'll take you if you want me to", I surprise myself a little with that offer, but it also felt really natural.

Gumball looks at his hands and thinks it over. Then finally he gives in and says "Fine." I smile a proud smile. He looks at me and giggles a little bit. I look at him and now at this point I just really want to kiss him. His laugh and smile gives me life. Then he gets up and puts his food away and says "Let's go." I come back from my thoughts and follow him. Oh glob I think I'm crashing hard.

Gumball P.O.V.

I was really happy when he asked if something was wrong. I didn't know he cared. And now I'm really happy he does. While we make our way to my room I look at him. I keep wondering what is he thinking about. When we get to my room I open the door and we go inside.

I put my stuff on the floor and look at the mess that's on the floor. I should clean this up. But not now. I came here to rest.

I sat down on my bed and Marshall sat on the floor in front of me. "So you never really told me what was wrong.." he says in a quiet voice making sure that I wouldn't get upset.

I take a deep breath and look at my feet and start explaining "I've been really stressed out because of school and I haven't slept a good night's sleep in so long. And oh glob." I sigh in between and then continue "The last proper meal I ate was a with you couple of days ago."

Marshall stands up and comes closer to me. Oh glob. Oh glob. What is he going to do?

He sits beside me and starts pushing me really gently and says with his deep, caring voice "Lay down. You need to sleep." I start laying down and he takes my shoes off and then gently picks my legs up and puts them down on the bed.

Then he turns to look at me and sits next to me again and starts gently running his fingers through my hair. I look at him and I feel so comfortable. "Stay with me while I sleep.." I say quietly. I soon realize I'll most likely regret this later but him being there makes me feel so comfortable. He nods and says "I won't leave. Sweet dreams Gumball."

Then I fall asleep and he pulls the blanket over me.

Marshall P.O.V.

Gumball is now fast asleep and I'm sitting on the floor looking through his notes and copying them. He won't mind.

My fingers still tingle from running them through his hair. I stopped thinking for a moment there. But luckily he didn't seem shocked or upset by it. And his request of me staying here while he rests made me really happy.

I'm glad he was able to fall asleep. He looked so tired earlier.



Well wasn't that just cute. Fuhuhuhuhu~

Maybe in the next chapter we finally get to see them kiss.


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