3 things 1 day

20 6 18


Today I moved out from my hometown to the capital because of the university. 

I never liked big cities because of crowds, crazy traffic and just busy life with everyone running in all directions.

Unfortunately, universities are only in big cities...

But what I learned is that I don't feel judged here every step I take. I can walk freely not caring about other people.

The opposite of what it's been back home. Everyone knew you if not at least one of their friends did. I felt so uncomfortable every time I went out. I was feeling watched.

Not to mention constant disturbing from family no matter what I was doing or rule of texting my mom that everything is okay when I'm out with friends every 1, max 2 hours... That's crazy...

Now that I'm living alone my only fears are money management, socializing in new environment and loneliness.

I feel a little insecure now but I hope it'll go away after a while.

And I hope I won't get lost too much lol

That's one thing.

The other two are....

Today's also my name day and coffee day :D I don't really think it's a coincidence.



That's it for now

see ya ;)

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