The car outside

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As I said we're going spookier. I'm having an affair with suspense. Don't tell that to my bed, please!

also semipai was actually scared of reading this alone 😂


It was a gloomy, wet evening. The evening was a special kind of blackness, the kind that wants only to hold the stars and help them to shine all the brighter. The wind was whispering through the branches and rustled the falling leaves.

Madeline heard a loud knock on the door. She looked out the window but didn't see anyone. She went downstairs to open the door but as she expected there was not a soul. 'Stupid prank' she thought and went to the living room to sit on the couch. Just then, there was another knock. Irritated she stood up and rushed to the door. She opened it violently and shouted, 'Who's there?!', but no one was outside once again. Madeline went out to the porch, the night chill seeped through her grey sweater. She looked at her surrounding. The light of the lantern shuddered in the darkness. It was getting late.

The car parked outside of her home caught her eye, it didn't seem familiar. Cautiously she went to the car to see if anyone is inside and if it might be the prankster. Upon closer examination, the car was empty. She noticed a little flashlight turned on which cast the light on car keys in the ignition. She looked around once again but no one to be found. The feeling of anxiety started to creep into her heart. She walked carefully back home.

The feeling of eerieness was in the air. Madeline made sure to lock the door and as she was turning the key she heard a loud thud upstairs. She felt her heart drop. Slowly she went up the stairs to see what was that sound. Everything in her room seemed normal but she spotted a white piece of paper lying on her bed. Something was written on it and when she read it, all she felt was dread. It was a short sentence 'Hello Madeline'. Terrified, Madeline rushed to find her phone to call 911 but to no use. It disappeared. The only thing she could think of was getting the knife from the kitchen to protect herself.

She carefully made her way downstairs to the said room putting her feet on the floor gently, to make as little noise as possible. As she approached her destination she picked up the sound of persistent drip-drop of a leaking tap. Madeline turned off the water and reached for the drawer with utensils. At that moment the bulb burst and with that, all the power in the house went off. Madeline shrieked and covered her mouth with her hands to suppress any other sounds that may alarm the intruder. Suddenly, the TV in the other room turned on, scaring her even more. It was now the only source of light. Hurriedly, she hid under the table in case intruder would come. Tears were building up inside Madeline's eyes. She was beyond frightened. She had to find a better hiding spot. It was too easy to find her there. Bathroom was her only option at the moment but she was so petrified she couldn't move. She heard a faint whistling of a man upstairs. He could come down at any moment. The bathroom was on the other side of the corridor but it was now or never.

Madeline crawled as fast as she could while trying not to make any more noise. When she got there she softly closed the door and locked it. Tears were streaming down her face already. The moonlight shone through the window to reveal writing on the mirror 'I see you'. Madeline's eyes opened wide with fear as if she wasn't shaken enough. She heard the door click. The door opened slowly with a creaking sound. The world stopped for her and the only thing Madeline saw and heard was darkness and the resonating sound of a car engine.

my friend from uni pesters me about doing the next part even though it was supposed to be only a short story and I have no idea what happens next. I only thought about this to that point it ends here but he won't shut up about it. So, when I'll have some inspiration and time (well christmas break is coming so mostly the first thing) I'll write the rest 😂


I also have run out of material I wrote ahead I have a lot to do now oh well I shouldn't have been so lazy 😂😂

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2019 ⏰

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