Chapter 1

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The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most

"This is tailor-made, what's the sense in waiting?"

That's the last line from our last song for this set. We have another one after we take a thirty-minute break. Actually thirty minutes ain't enough for a break since one set of 8-10 songs can run for more than 90 minutes not to mention incoming song requests from the audience.

Being an engineer alone is hard enough as it is, but music is my passion, so I do my best to manage my time and my attention. If my boss decides to fire me, I guess I'll just be a full-time musician. Ha ha. In my dreams. I cannot get fired. I've worked so hard to get the job I've always wanted let alone the number of years I spent in college.

Oh, college. I still remember the best and worst days of you.

Even before we finish our fist line-up, I already received some private messages from the girls in the audience. They must be regulars here, and I even recognize some of them. They come to watch our show, and whenever possible, those girls also take their chances and spend a little time talking with me. What can a guy do?

So right after the last song, I headed straight to the table where someone is already waiting for me. I know her. She's been trying so hard to get closer with me, and I don't remember how many times I've rejected her.

Wait up! Just because I sit at tables with girls who watch me perform doesn't mean I'm a player. In fact, I've been single for I don't know how long anymore. The last breakup I had was too painful. Ah, that was a long time ago. Where could Beam be right now?

Yes, Beam. The guy who healed my broken heart only to throw it onto the ground to be stomped on. Yes, a guy. That was way back then. I know better now. Guys or girls can hurt me. So enough of that bullshit!

There's a girl beside me and a bottle of beer in front. This night will be fine.

So fine that we ended up kissing each other, and it got so hot and I got too carried away that I followed her to the restroom. The dress she's wearing, the scent of her hair, the curves of her body, all that thrown to my face willingly. Who could say no? Another one-off tonight? I guess so.

Her kisses feel like she's sucking the life out of me. With lips attached and hands exploring each other's body, we slammed the door without even looking at where we're going. It's dark, and it's loud. Who cares, right? My body keeps on pushing her body while our lips are still locked until we get inside the first cubicle.

I'm pretty sure we're alone in here. The thing I'm not sure about is how far should we take this tonight? My break is almost over.

"I don't think this is a good idea." I whispered to her ear as the other part of my brain is still trying to talk me out of this situation.

She keeps kissing me anyway, then she answers, "Stay for a little while." Then her lips went back to where they were. My neck.

I was almost about to drift and just do what the other part of my brain is telling me when we heard the sound of the toilet flush. Immediately, we let go of each other although it's clear that nobody can see us.

But I thought we were alone in here. Thanks to that sound, I went back to my senses. I fixed my half-open shirt and messy hair.

"Rain check?" I told her.

She stormed out of the stall and left me inside. I can imagine how she feels, but I'm sure I made the right choice.

As I exit the cubicle while buttoning my shirt, I noticed a guy standing by the door. His gaze just shifted from the woman who exited to me. Then he headed to the lavatory to wash his hands. So he's the one who gave me the warning signal. I gotta thank him. Ha ha.

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