Chapter 13

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Rapid Hope Loss

I dozed off with Pha beside me holding my hand tightly and woke to a little twinge in my upper body with him nowhere in sight. You can't have any sense of time in a hospital room like this since everything seems to be busy 24/7. 

If I remember correctly, he still has to report to work after staying with me. I guess it's okay. I've troubled him enough since last night.

I thought that being in an accident like this could actually be good for the two of us to rebuild our understanding, but now I realize that it was dumb. I am causing myself and him too much trouble. I don't know if my office has been informed yet, but seeing that Pha seems to be calm about everything, it means he might have helped getting things in order. 

I know him well. He never let small things slip let alone something this serious.

I tried to familiarize myself with this room. After about fifteen minutes of staring at the ceiling, a nurse came in to check on me.

"Is Pha... I mean is Doctor Kongthanin around?" I asked her. I just couldn't wait to find out.

She looked at her wrist watch before answering,

"He is at the ER." She said as she fumbled in her coat pocket for a pen with her right hand while the other is holding a clipboard. Perhaps she wasn't expecting me to be awake.

"I'm sorry, what time is it?"

"It's half past six."

"Thanks. Am I going to be alright?"

"You're going to have to stay a little longer while we monitor your condition, but yes, you are going to be fine." she explains with a witty smile on her face. Does she know something?

She gave me some reminders before leaving me alone in this room again. I guess I'll have to wait a few more hours again before I can see Pha.

That means I have a lot of time for contemplation.

What really caused the two of us to be in this situation right now? How did we just waste almost a decade? I think my head is going to explode thinking of all the reasons and answers. More importantly, what did I do wrong?


"Forth, stick around for a while."

That's one of the hazers asking me to stay in the hall after this afternoon's meeting. I am not sure if I did something to piss them off. One thing I know is that I have to do what I'm told. My fate as a future head hazer is still unclear as of the moment, so I still feel the need to comply with whatever rules they feel to impose.

I stood back and just gave my friends a nod signaling that they can go without me, and that I'll be okay. Am I going to be okay? They waited until the room is empty of sophomores before a couple of them approached me. Imagine the horror. Are they going to beat me to death?

Most hazers were on their way out of the room when a female student entered. I recognize her from somewhere. I just don't know what she's doing here. She kept walking until she reached where I was standing together with two hazers next to me. She smiled.

"Forth!" one of the seniors called me.

"This is my sister....."

The girl offered her hand for me to shake. This situation is confusing, but as a gentleman, I took her hand and gave her a smile.

"Forth." I introduced myself to her.

I don't understand what this is supposed to mean, and I wasn't aware that all the things running in my head are also reflected in my facial expression.

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