Chapter 7

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I didn't proof read so excuse any mistakes. I just really wanted this up. Enjoy!

Aaliyah & Elliott above in the multimedia.

March 27, 2016.

5:00 a.m.

" girl....Aaliyah" I woke up to daddy standing over my bed, I got up and wiped away the crust in my eyes I glanced at my phone seeing that it was 5:03 a.m.

"I'm coming right now, let me just change." Every time I came home Daddy, Elliott and I would choose to head up to the community pool we went to as kids. We'd just sit there and talk about anything under the sun. It was those moments I cherished the most with my family, moments where we all were so vulnerable.

I got up and made my way over to my bathroom and quickly took care of my hygiene. After that was done, I put on my swimsuit and a pair of old jeans then put my hair in a low messy bun. After throwing on my old white converse I grabbed a pair of glasses, my phone, other essentials I needed and made my way to the car. After I got in we pulled off heading to our destination.

"Bro what time did you go to bed?" Elliott said waking me up as he opened my door from the outside almost causing me to fall. I forgot we had made plans last night at dinner, if I remembered I wouldn't have stayed on the phone with Davie until 2 this morning.

"After 2? Idk" we made our way towards the empty pool area and left our stuff on the pool chairs.

After swimming for a little over an hour I took a seat on one of the chairs gazing off as the sun began to rise. Thinking back to almost two years ago I shook my head at the memories that now took over thoughts. Freshman year of college, being on my own was something I always looked forward to being on my own and taking care of responsibilities. However, something I thought was love came in the middle of that. That thing I called love put me in hospital room, that thing I called love almost cause me to drop out of school. Now thinking back at how naive I was only made me even more disappointed in the decisions I made. You'd think all of the morals and life lessons your parents instilled into would stick. College changes you...for better...or worse. At that point in time it was for worse..

I shook my head at the thoughts running through my mind. I looked over to see my Dad handing me my pills and a bottle of water.

"Thank you.." Two years later here I am taking pills for my anxiety. It becomes really bad when I feel myself getting close to others who aren't my family...I knew David was the cause of this. We were getting closer as the days flew by and I often wondered if I was able to fully give my self to him mentally.

"You were on the phone pretty late last night, new friend?" I turned my head to see he had taken a seat next to me.

"Huh? Oh yea, he's just a friend Daddy.." Kinda.

"Who's just a friend?" LiLi had now taken a seat on the other side of me. I shook my head at the both of them, ever since the situation two years they were extremely protective of who I called my friends...especially if they were males.

"He's just someone I've been talking hasn't been that long."

"How come I haven't heard of him?" Elliott responded leaning all the way back, I followed suit and so did Daddy.

"I'm going to introduce him to everyone when the time is right, I don't just wanna jinx it."

"Okay baby girl, but as soon as the both of you get serious we need to meet the young man who has you giggling like a seventh grader at two a.m. in the morning." I shook my head, I knew someone was standing outside of my door.

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