One More Drink (Liza's POV)

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(In this story David is an alcoholic, and with this problem, Liza and him are struggling to keep a stable relationship as he gets more and more violent as the days go by.)

One, two, three bottles, gone in five minutes. More getting downed as another five minutes pass ever so quickly. Each sip, more and more of himself fades away. His sweet loving self was replaced with someone who I could never recognize. Because he was different every time, there was never a repeat of a character he would become. 

But there was never love in any of them, just violence, hate, and disgust.

By morning, when he was sober, he'd apologize for his actions, but he'd never stop. And never will, every day will be a repeat of the last.

Love, argue, violence, heartbreak.

It would continue, and will continue til the day I decided to leave him.

But anytime I try to leave, I find myself coming back.

I love him, so much. So much that if I left him forever I might possibly die.

But he was getting worse, his violence was getting more aggressive and physical.

But in my mind, all I seen, heard, and thought was that he doesn't mean it. And it was true, he would never hurt me. 

When he was sober.

The second he drinks, a whole new person had become him, a person I didn't love and didn't want to love. I loved David, not the characters he  had always become.

But they'll always be apart of him, and I could never get rid of them. 

They'll always ruin the love we once had, and are struggling to keep.

I don't know how long I could keep us going, I want him so bad and yet I want to leave.

Intoxication was hard to handle, you couldn't control the person it had affected. They were in their own world, in which they couldn't escape until the poison they filled their body with disappeared. 

"Liza!" his speech slurring as he stumbled over the two simple syllables in my name. 

My mind spins as I slowly stumbled into the room my intoxicated boyfriend sat in. 

My eyes scan all over him, he was a mess. His clothes stained, his beard partially grown in. His eyes blood shot from the little sleep he gave himself. 

"Yeah?" I ask remaining three feet away from him.

"Come here" he says lifting a finger off the bottle filled with the thing that destroyed our relationship and his life. 

I hesitantly step two feet closer, unaware of what he wanted, I wanted to keep my distance.

He forcefully grabs my wrist before pulling me into his lap and wrapping his free arm tightly around my waist.

"I love you" he says with his hot breath flying into my nostrils causing them to flare. The smell of alcohol wasn't pleasant, especially when it was the main thing you smelled everyday.

"You don't" I reply holding on my breath waiting for his response.

"What?" he asks, his awful smelling breath once again blowing against my face.

"If you loved me, you wouldn't do what you do. If you loved me, you'd try to quit. You wouldn't have to apologize every morning you woke up. And you wouldn't allow me to stress every time you're drinking and I'm not with you. You would actually love me, and treat me like you used to. How much love you used to show was more than enough. And now I receive nothing but meaningless apologies and drunken I love you's. I miss you David" The words pour out as I sob.

I didn't mean to say it, but it slipped. Four years of this repeating heartbreak was enough, and I couldn't pretend I was okay with it anymore. I wanted the David I loved to be back, not his drunken pawns.

He sips his beer as if nothing I had just said meant anything to him. As if I hadn't even spoken a word at all. 

I get up off his lap, more tears flooding out of my eyes. I knew this was my breaking point. He didn't care that I wanted him to stop. He didn't care that what he did literally killed me everyday. Each minute I had watched him drink felt like I was being shot. Over and over again.

"I can't do this" I say looking into his eyes. No emotion could be seen in them, only blackness from the liquid that took over his life was seen. His usually soft brown eyes, were now black filled with hard udder violence.

"I love you David, but you don't love me."

"I'm leaving, for good" I say, my eyes staring at the floor as the tears slowly drip out of them. They hit the floor, adding together before they were a small puddle.

"One more drink" he says allowing my head to raise and my eyes to lock into his.

"No, no more drinks" I say sternly.

"Yes" he replies back.

"Then, goodbye David" I say before running out of the house we had once shared.

My legs shake as I hop into my car, quickly pulling out and speeding out of our driveway. 

I floor it, driving to where ever my car would take me. 

High pitched screams escape my mouth as I allow myself to take in what I had just done. I ended us, we were done forever.

My phone rings, my eyes quickly darting over to the caller id.


My hand reaches over to grab my phone before I click the answer button, his voice immediately speaking.

"Liza, baby please come back. I'm sorry, I hate who I've become, I'll stop for you I promise, no more. We'll be like we used to b-" He's cut off my a large crashing sound, his screams fill the phone's speaker. 

"David!' I scream as I pull my car over.

"David! Please answer me baby! Tell me you're ok!"

"Bubba I need you, answer me!' I scream as my heart races as if it were trying to escape my chest.

"Liza, I'm sorry. I should've been better. I love you so much. Make it big baby, I'll see you again, if heaven is real" he says as his once heavy breathing stopped.

"David! Please hang on, don't leave me!" I cry as the call suddenly cuts off.

I scream louder than any girl being murdered in a horror movie.

It was too late, 911 wouldn't be there soon enough. I had no idea where he was either. Everything was over in such a short time period.

One more drink. 

The deal that could've saved our relationship.

But more importantly.

Could've saved the love of my life.

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