Safe Inside

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I remember when you were all mine. ~

She lay in his arms, sleeping ever so peacefully. Dreaming about things that no one will ever know or remember. He watched her with soft eyes, they lightly glistened in the dim light. He held her tightly against his chest, not wanting to ever let go. Her light breaths blew gently along his torso. Her mouth slightly open let out a small line of drool. He laughed in his mind, disgusted yet adoring. He ran his fingers along her face. Tracing her small yet gorgeous features. Her nose lightly twitched when he ran his finger down the bridge of it. He loved these moments. The moments where she was calm, and he could admire her without any disruptions. Her body suddenly shifted, he frowned. She was waking up, the calm that settled in the room was about to be over. He placed a small kiss onto her head before her eyes darted open.

Watched you changing in front of my eyes.

She came home late that night, she wasn't herself. The second her eyes were laid on David, she flung herself onto him. Her roughness made him realize she was drunk. He wasn't mad, he understood. He was glad that she actually made it back. She had left earlier that day, like an emotional wreck too. "Liza please," he had pleaded trying to tear her small body off of him. She simply ignored him as she began taking off her own clothing. Swiftly he grabbed her arms and pulled her into his chest. Seconds later she broke down, breaking into hysterics. Her small fists pounded against his chest. Her face drenched in tears and run down makeup, she yelled out as she sobbed. David feeling for her, felt the tears run down his cheeks as he did his best in trying to comfort her. It took ten minutes, until finally she collapsed into his arms. He picked her body up bridal style before carrying her upstairs. He gently laid her onto the bed, a small frown shown across his normally smiling face. He pulled the blanket up to her chest before wiping the hair out of her face. Soon after he stripped himself down to his tshirt and boxers. Laying beside her, he wrapped one arm around her before switching the lamp off. Little had he known the hell that was to be from the next day on.

What can I say?

He had awoken to a loud noise, a loud yell actually. He sighed rubbing his eyes out of restlessness. This had been now going on for a week. A loud crash of a glass sounding object caused him to jump up. He slipped on his slides before quickly walking out of the room. Once in the kitchen his eyes were met with hers. She sat there on the floor, a vodka bottle in one hand. Glass was spilled on the floor. Concern spread along his face when he noticed the blood. Looking for where it was coming from, he then realized it was her foot. A large gash was present on the soul of her foot. "Liza," he sighed before walking over to her. She looked up at him with black eyes, tear streams were visible on her cheeks. She broke eye contact with him so she could take a drink of the substance. He once again let out a sigh before grabbing it from her. She looked back up at him, this time annoyance was seen on her face. He rolled his eyes before reaching down to lift her up. His nose scrunched up at the smell of her. She hadn't showered since the afternoon she found out. He carried her to the bathroom and sat her on the toilet. He quickly ran to get her some fresh clothes before returning back into the bathroom. To his surprise she was already stripped except for her undergarments. He pulled the mirror open and grabbed the tweezers and gauze with medical tape out. He sat them on the counter before walking over to the tub. Running it warm he pulled the stopper up to keep water inside the tub. He turned to her, his eyes wandered her now nude body. A sad frown appeared on his face at her body. She had lost weight, but her stomach was lightly swelled from all the liquor she had been consuming. He shook his head out of thought and carried her small body into the tub. She brought her knees to her chest as she quietly began to sob. He watched her, not knowing what he could do. So he simply began washing her, hoping that all of this could be over soon. But sadly, that wasn't even the case. It was to never end.

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