chapter 3 the mission

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Okay hope you enjoy

Normal POV

Sakura woke up early that morning, she took a bath and changed her clothes under the watchfull eye of someone.

Sakura had lately been feeling drowsy and drained but that was partially due to the chakra loss she suffered after the war and many soldiers needed to be healed.

A knock on the door surprised the cherry as she jumped back.
She then went to go answer the door and was greeted by an anbu.

" Sakura haruno. You are ordered to come to the hokage tower imediately." He bowed and proofed away.

'so much for a day off' Sakura sighed.

10 minutes later.

Sakura ran up to the hokage tower and when she opened the door she met her 3 team mates, she smiled at them appreciatively

" HI Sakura chaaannn!" Naruto shouted

" Good to see you Sakura" kakashi greeted

"Hag"Sai said with a signature fake smile which just made Sakura want to punch the shit outta him.

"Why I oughtta..." Sakura yelled as she pounced in the air but imediately grabbed by Kakashi and Naruto who were struggling to restrain her.

"Ahem" a voice belonging to tsunade called out.

"sorry shishou" sakura said omce she realised what she was doing.

-she would've gone for his neck otherwise.

"  I'll let it slip for the time being since it's an urgent mission, but please save ur reunion for later.

" Hai" said everyone else in the room.

" Right. Recently there have been reported many strange incidents around the borders of konoha and the sound area also the sound village has got a new leader I want you to find out who it is."

" Excuse me shishou. But what Stange Events?" Asked Sakura.

"Glad you asked Sakura many kidnappings have taken place and anbu have reported to a strange dark aura lurking in certain areas of the woods that are strangely close to sound. "

" And you think it's more than just a coincidence right hokage Sama." Kakashi Said.

" Yes I've got a bad feeling about it so I want you guys to investigate and report back"

" YES TEAM 7 REUNION" Naruto shouted at the top of his lungs, whilst Sakura sai and kakashi laughed

' something's never change' Sakura thought to herself as she ran after Naruto who had jumped out the window to get a head start.

' But I have a bad feeling about this'

Somewhere in the distance


About time tsunade ,your just leading her straight to me, time for waiting is over ,finally I can reunite with what was mine all along.

Enjoy it now Sakura because I'm coming for you.and no one will stop me not even if I lose myself to get you Sakura your mine

Hope you enjoyed the song above is called lovesick fool Nightcore

And keep reading please comment and follow me please

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