his mother

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Sakura trailed back to her room, head consumed by thoughts, what she should do and how she feels.

'This isnt what I wanted, i want sasuke to come home, i want to see my friends, i want my family. Anything but THIS'. she thought.

A strong breeze hit her, calling out for her. Sakura looked up at the moonlight, " I envy the moon, to be so free"

"Why envy the moon when you are the sun? Sure the moon is beautiful yet the sun plunges darkness into light, hatred into love. With each powerful ray, surely the moon grows green with envy, dont you agree?"

Sakura gasped and turned around, her ears filled with a melodic voice, relaxing her. She turned to see the source of this voice, she saw a woman, a woman with an elegant kimono with the uchiha clan on the back.

The woman offered a sweet friendly smile, urging sakura to come closer. Sakura cautiously approached, noting the woman's powerful and intimidating prescence.

"Who are you?" Sakura asked cautiously.

"Oops!" The lady spluttered as she scratched her neck nervously

"I'm mikoto uchiha, nice to meet you sakura"




"HAAAAH??" Sakura yelled, taken aback.

Next chapter will be longer I promise


"M..M.MMMIKOTO UCH..UCHIHA?!!!" Sakura yelled as mikoto smiled warmly back

"Yep in the flesh... well not really"

"Why are you ..how did you...where did...what do you.." sakira stuttered

"Ara ara, please calm down, let's start one at a time!"

"Oki so I'm a ghost from the after life, dont worry your not going crazy"

"And secondly I'm here because I want to meet my daughter in law" mikoto said with a thumbs up.

'Shes the opposite of sasuke'

"Ah, not to be rude but why did you come all the way here?" Sakura asked, still freaked out

Mikoto suddenly became flustered and sat down on the floor boards pouting

"I've always wanted a daughter you know, but all I got were boys, not that I'm complaining but having a girl is very special and they have a special place in a mothers heart" mikoto started looking fondly up at the sky.

"But then fugaku ruined it with his Gene's! Do you have any idea how difficult it is to live with men who respond with hn to everything?" She fumed, fists clenched in anger and vigour

I, despite sasukes ninja abilities, was really worried about his social abilities. Always so grumpy and frumpy, like a big fat cat. So antisocial. All I wanted was a girl hmph.... well I suppose I did dress sasuke up a few times and the tea parties were enough to tide me over." She continued as if  speaking to herself.

'Let it out sis'

" but now.." she looked at sakura, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, who became red and slightly self conscious, " I've got a beautiful daughter in front of me, so come closer and let me get a better look at you"

Sakira nervously approached as mikoto analysed her. "Your impetuous nature is perfect for sasuke and his frumpiness" she deduced as she nodded her head

"Green eyes and pink hair, what a lovely mix" she muttered as she inspected sakura from top to bottom.

'Black haired and green eyed baby uchiha running around everywhere.' mikoto giggled to herself wistfully "so kawaii".

"Your perfect for my son" mikoto determined as she spun around and pointed her finger at the sky "TAKE THAT FUGAKU". She yelled but then was met with a powerful breeze that flicked her forehead " damm you fugaku, why do you have to use such underhanded tactics " she poured rubbing her forehead

Sakura sweat dropped in the back ground and mikoto turned around

"Ah sorry about that. But that's not the only reason I'm here, sure I've got to look over my little sasu chan and make sure hes not over eating those tomatoes eventhough ive told him a million times it makes him bloated and alongside onigiri, ugh, who said he was a prodigy again? Did you know he tried to make tomato flavoured onigiri? I told him not to go near MY pots with his tomatoes but nooooo ch, my pots were ruined hmph" mikoto ranted. Sakira stood there, not sure whether to laugh or run away.

" oh sorry I was side tracked but what I meany to say is that I'm also here about you as well."

"What do you mean mikoto San?"

"Oh please dont call me mikoto San, call my mother or auntie, San makes me feel old" mikoto pouted

'So much for intimidating'

"Eh, sakura, just between us, let's keep that whole tomato thing a secret, I mean I domt want sasuke to stress eat, have you seen him bloated? Yikes" mikoto nudged sakura

For the first time in weeks, sakura began to laugh, the corners of her mouth turned upwards, the feeling of joy filling her to her very soul, to be able to seek refuge and warmth from someone. Tears slipped from sakuras eyes, shining like Pearl's.

"Dear are you alright? Is it something I said?" Mikoto fussed as she wiped sakuras tears. "Oh you poor thing" mikoto said as she hugged sakura in order to comfort her

Sakura hugged mikoto tightly, sobbing, she didnt know what was going on, she was just hit by a wave of emotions.

"Hush, I know your scared dear, my son, my stupid thick headed son, is an idiot." Mikoto cooked as she stroked/patted  sakuras head

"I totally understand how you feel" she said as sakira looked up

"What do you mean?"

"Well lets say sasuke gets his romantic gene and instincts  from his fathers side of the family" mikoto humphed as sakura implored her to continue

" fugaku uchiha.." mikoto said with a smile as a breeze played with her hair

"The most unromantic and dense tsundere I've ever met." she finished as a powerful  breeze hit a few leaves in her face and splashed her with a bit of water.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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