EDITED: Him???

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Edited monday 20th April 2020

Normal POV

Sakura woke up in sasukes room and was lying down on his bed , she woke up with a terrible headache. She rose up, hearing a clang as she rubbed her head

"Ow! Wait what the..." sakura noticed 2 brackets on her arms, quiet beautiful actually, gold with jade embedded in which formed a lively pattern, something that slurs would have actually bought had she seen it in a shop.

Sakura stood up shaky as she put weight on her feet, she tried to acknowledge her surroundings, nope completely foreign and she had no idea where she was. Great start.

'Okay, first things first, what happened before I needed up her' she thought as she tried to recollect everything that had happened.

'Okay so we were assigned a mission, we came to the stand village or something, the leader
... THE LEADER KNOCKED ME OUT. wait sasuke... SASUKE IS THE LEADER' Sakura gasped as her head throbbed at this new information.

"Dammit uchiha, you've got a lot of questions to answer but first things first, I need to get out of here"

Sakura put her head back and sighed in an obviously annoyed manner, okay the windows are locked down, the closet is boarded up, and theres a door.

'How did I miss that?' Sakura facepalmed herself as she opened the door and furtivelt looked into the corridor.

"I see you have awoken"Sasuke said as he emerged from the shadows

"Holy shit!" Sakura shouted as she tumbled backwards landing on her butt, looking up she saw sasuke in all of his glory, smirking down at her.

"Same old sakura"

"What?, what's going on sasuke? Why am I here? Wait you tricked me!" She yelled in anger

"I suggest you calm down before you say something you regret"

"Why the hell am I here Sasuke?"Sakura said,ignoring what Sasuke stayed silent. In her fury sakura charged at sasuke, fist out, prepared to land a blow. As she approached sasuke he caught sakuras fist and twisted her arm, aligning her back to his front.

"Wha what, that's impossible" she stuttered. Eyes wide in disbelief, 'there was no way he could catch my fist not when I put chakra...' sakura drifted off into her realisation. She tried to force chakra into her palms, nothing.

Sasuke leaned forwards, his head rested in the crook of her neck as sakura cringed to the side, her heart pulsating

"I would stop before you hurt yourself" he said condescendingly before he let go of her, sakura stumbled forwards and turned around to face sasuke

"What.. how did you do that?"

Sasuke sighed in annoyance, before gesturing to sakuras bracelets " those bracelets block the flow of your chakra so you are unable to use chakra and attack anyone, me included. Although you are able to garner enough chakra in order to heal people but if you behave well you'll be allowed to use your chakra sooner ."

Sakura looked down, rubbing her bracelets, once realising they wont come off she looked at him with scorn

"why?" She asked with a bite in her tone

"Thats ....none of your business"

"None of my business! So help me right now uchiha sasuke I will prevent you from every having children again."

"Shut up Sakura!" He exclaimed, "annoying" he muttered under his breath but it didnt go unheard by sakura who had a massive irk.

"I was always anoying wasn't I uchiha!"Sakura in anger

"Why are you referring to me that way? Be normal!"

"What do you mean?!"

"Don't say my name like that"


"Uchiha" he hissed.

"Oh I'm sorry Uchiha San" Sakura mocked

Sasuke slightly winced at this but Sakura didn't see it
"Or is uchiha Sama better?"

"Sakura" he warned.

"Oh I know! What about your majesty since your do shoved up your own ass!" She said.

Sasuke lunged at her and pinned her against the wall, he looked down at her.

Onyx eyes met emerald eyes.

They stared at eachother for what seemed like forever.

Temptation, gnawed at sasukes every being, but one look into sakuras eyes- filled with curiosity,shock, and what Sasuke hated the most, a hint of fear.

He was able to pull back the monster inside him.

He backed away from Sakura, and headed towards the door.

"Later on there will be some mentors here to tutor you the way of the uchiha clan and the correct ettiquete and mannerisms" sasuke informed leaving no room for debate as he left the room as he left a panting and shocked sakura Haruno on the floor.

Sakura slid down the wall and gathered her arms around her knees which she rested her head in.

" why was I ever in love with him?"


Sasuke returned to the room, seeing that sakura hadn't moved from where he left her.

"Sakura, you need to eat, get up and stop being pathetic"

" why dont you just kill me?" She croaked

" stop being ridiculous, I'm not killing you, now stop being a child and eat"

"Leave me alone uchiha, go fuck yourself " she bit out like a poisonous snake

"That's enough, I'm telling you for the last time sakura, Get Here And Eat Your Food" he gritted out in annoyance. Sakura made no indication of moving

Sasuke walked towards sakura and gripped her arms, throwing her to the bed, grabbing the plate he shoved it to sakura

"EAT" sasuke threatened.

Sakura looked up at sasuke with scorn and hate as she began to eat. A few minutes of silence went by as sasuke observed her whilst sakura avoided any eye contact or acknowledgment of sasukes prescence. After a while sakura began to cough.

"Do you want water?" He asked, yet sakura ignored him

"Hows the food?" Sasuke asked, getting annoyed

' is sasuke really tting to go for small talk??' Sakura thought as she began to dig into a few dango.

"Look at me" sasuke said as he grabbed sakira by the chin and made her face him, " why are you being like this?"

"Why am I being like this? It's not as if you have kidnapped me, taken me away from my family, away from my friends, away from everyone I loved. And your asking me why I'm not talking to you..."

Sasuke gave her a grim look "sakura..."

" You've taken away one of the most important things to me, my chakra and my strength, you've left me vulnerable and wounded just so you can have your fun"


" you've done all this just to make me your little play toy, to have your fun, and yet you wonder why..." suddenly sakura was thrown down with sasuke gripping her neck

"SAKURA SHUT UP!" Sasuke yelled, eyes gleaming red

And everything went black.

To be continued

Please forgive me but I promise an a thousand letter chapter very soon

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