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hi so I really wanted to surprise everyone by making a new chapter really quickly and I generated this chapter in10 minutes. New record!! So I hope you enjoy this and thanks to my followers!!!! I really appreciate some feedback please so I know you guys like this but hears the rest of the story sorry for boring you guys!!!

Edited: monday 20th April 2020

Sakura pov

I woke up in a large room which was 10 times larger than my own bedroom I woke up on a king-size bed with the uchiha symbol printed very largely in the centre of my blanket that covered me.

My head hurts like hell and I try to recall what just happened oh yeah..... Sasuke

Wait a minute!!


Oh that bastard is going to die today.

Normal pov.

The room was rather dark but Sakura could make out a few pieces of furniture and a few doors probably leading to a bathroom, closet and outside.

Sakura tried to jump out of the bed but was met by a loud HISS'S and a grip it seems tightened on sakuras arms, hands and legs.

Sakura looked up to be met by a 16 ft long snake that was wrapped around her arms her eyes widened in fear. Sakura had a fear of snakes ever since both her and Naruto battled against Manda the Lord of snakes and sasuke.

She let out an ear shattering screech as she fumbled and squirmed trying to loosen the snakes grip and find a vantage point.sakura tried to wriggle away from the snakes key word tried.she screamed again in vain.

" Your attempts are futile." Said a figure that had hidden in the shadows

Sakuras eyes widened as Sasuke emerged from the shadows. Despite having frozen up, her eyes held fear and worry. Sasuke noted this as he sat down beside her head as the snakes moved to give him room.

Sasuke was currently shirtless in all his glory.

Hell yes bring on the 8 pack.

Wait where the hell did you go

Ehhh I was bored and therefore I chose to take a nap


Yeah but I'm back and ready for action and like I said before bring on the 8 pack!!

Can't you see that this is a life or death situation!!

So no 8 pack?😭😭😭😭😟😖😞

Are you even tryin to help?!!!

Not really I'm just looking for some small talk you know.


Back in reality.

Sasuke sat down near sakuras head whilst the snakes made room for him.

He began caressing sakuras cheek and dragged his fingers through her waist length goregous pink hair, her creamy ivory coloured neck.

" what do you think your song sasuke, why dont you buy me dinner first?"

"Sakura, sakura, I gave you so many warnings" he muttered darkly as he gripped a bundle of her hair and yanked her towards him, using his other hand he titled her neck upwards to face him

" but you never listen do you? You never FUCKING listen!" He hissed, eyes gleaming red, his hands painfully digging into sakuras chin, drawing blood.





Sasuke lashed his hand out, and smacked sakura cleanly against her cheek making her wince as she held her cheek in pain.

"Dont you dare talk to me like that, I could do much worse but since we are to get married soon, i dont want to compromise your body right now." Sasuke smirked as he noted sakuras reaction,

"M.m marriage?!!" She exclaimed, eyes wide in shock and terror

"Sakura" Sasuke started, laying down next to her but ensured that a few snakes kept her pinned down.

" In a few weeks we shall become husband and wife , its has already been decided. Being my wife you will therefore help me revive my clan and become the mother to my children in our family."

" W....WWHAT!! NO WAY..I...I REFUSE!" Sakura shouted still panting from the aftermath of the little scene that happened 5 minutes ago.

" You shall and you will! Should you refuse my generous offer I will punish you and Then I will go after your friends and kill everyone of them. I will lay siege to konoha, burning it to the ground. The cries of widows will ring through the village, children will become soldiers, fighting for our cause and your dear naruto... I have something special for him..."

" y...y ...you wouldn't dare..... Naruto will stop you!"

" Really now I beat him already before and he hasn't gotten any stronger it seems so I can easily beat him again."

Sakura gulped knowing how powerful Sasuke was despite never wanting to admit it, he had won this round.

"Its not just my home though, it's your home too sasuke" sakura said solemnly, eyes downcast.

Sasuke was silent.

And then he broke out into laughter, holding his stomach, " the village that outlasted my clan, the village that were responsible for my loved ones death, the village that turned everyone against me, THE VILLAGE WHICH RUINED MY LIFE IS NOT MY HOME, I'm home now and soon enough you will be too" he sighed after calming down. Both sakura and sasuke were silent until there was a knock at the door.

"Sasuke sama, lord madara wishes to speak to you"

"Very well then." Sasuke got up and got dressed, opening the door in a traditional kimono, sakura watched as she gritted her teeth. Sasuke paused before leaving and looked at sakura

" You can either live a life of luxury of you can live a life of pain sakura. Your smart remember you obvious know which ones to chose. Dont look so downcast besides you followed me around everywhere when we were children. You love me don't you?"

I still love him but I refuse for him to break me down I won't give up!

" I asked you a question sakura" sasuke said impatiently, raising up an eyebrow

"I... I ..."

So I read back through this chapter and honestly I cringed so badly which is why I edited it, like honestly yikes. Hopefully you guys enjoy this edit better than the other version.

I'm trying to mature my writing a bit and I started my books quite naively and fangirly if you know what I mean and honestly it just cringed me out.

I just need a bit more inspiration this story is kinda tricky to think through and make ideas about.

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