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Sasuke pushed sakura into the room which was coincidentally his bedroom.

He pushed her face first onto the bed and she landed with a disgruntled oompf!

Quickly she turned around onto her back, she attempted to sit up but sasuke immediately pinned and straddled her.

Sakura flailed around desperately and then gave a mighty buck of her hips which threw sasuke off but caused her to fall off of the bed.

"Woah" she called out as she landed on her ass.

"Sakura you disobeyed me" sasuke hissed angrily


" now you deal with the consequence" he declared As,he ignored sakura,his eyes gleamed in delight obviously in thought of the minstruation to put upon sakura for her behaviour

" I've given you so many chances, I guess that I have to discipline you."

Sakura crawled backwards and hit the wall.

' shit'she thought to herself

" there's nowhere to run"sasuke said as he came closer.

Sakura looked up at him apprehensively

Lemon ahead

"On your hands and knees" he commanded. Sakura knew what was coming next and then viewed her escape success rate. Severely unlikely.

"Now!" He barked

Sakura complied as she got on her hands and knees.

"Stay still otherwise you'll make it much worse"

Sasuke grabbed a kunai and began to cut through sakuras clothes, down to her undergarments much to her dismay

' how dare he! Why I ought to.'

And as if sensing what she was thinking

"Try it and you will find out"

'Watcha going to do, go all 50 shades of uchiha on me?' she thought but wouldn't dare say.

Sasuke removed sakuras underwear and threw her over his shoulder as he moved towards the bed.


"Shut it" he replied as he placed sakura across his lap vertically. He caressed sakuras ass giving it a squeeze in order to rile sakura up.

"Uchiha, what do you think you're
.. argh!"sakura yelled as sasuke delivered a harsh practise swat to her left cheek in which to sakura whimpered.

Sasuke then rubbed and pinched her ass in which sakura bit her tongue down at, sasuke just chuckled.

'Don't tell me he is going to..'

"Argh!" Sakura moaned slash screamed as sasuke delivered another 4 hits to her ass in rapid succession.

"I said quiet" he commanded as he swatted her right ass cheek making shame cruelly dig deeper

Sakura moaned.

"What are you enjoying this? Can't have that, after all it is a punishment "

" sit up and straddle my legs" he ordered to a tomato faced sakura. With shaky  legs sakura straddled him.

" do you want to know something special about these bracelets? You know how I can send shocks through your body, I can also pin point specific areas to concentrate on. But I've never tried this out but now I have the perfect opportunity to do so"

"What the hell do yo...! Arhhhh!" She yelled before she felt a burning sensation in her ass and chest.

Sasuke smirked as he turned up the level

"Are you going to behave?" He questioned

Sakura went red as the sensation was too much for her to comprehend and not only that she had never been touched in such a way.


"Good, but I still need to punish you, so your going to sit like that for the next 30 minutes."

"W.. What!!!"

and with that, Sasuke proofed away, Sakura attempted getting rid of the bracelets, rubbing her wrists raw but felt a really painful stinging sensation on her ass. She couldn't move because Sasuke had bound her.

After half an hour, Sasuke reappeared.

"Good"then he stopped the shocks, sakura sighed in content, she fell down onto the bed, awaiting sleep to overtake her.

"If you had just behaved I didnt have to hurt you, why cant you just losten" he sighed as he placed sakura over his chest, enjoying the warmth she brought.

To be continued

Bam! Finished!

SASUSAKU.  king uchiha and queen harunoWhere stories live. Discover now