EDITED escape?

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After a few hours, Sasuke returned back to the room,his mind in the right place and cooled down. The same can be said for Sakura

"I...I...I I'll marry you" Sakura declared her head bent down, 'if it's to protect the village then this is my duty'

'if I can convince him that I am going to co operate with him, hell trust me and then I can bust out' she thought.

"Our wedding will take place in 5 days time, during this time you are going to learn and be trained to become a proper uchiha, you will learn all the manners or else" Sasuke informed clearly enjoying this.

"what?!" Sakura retorted after she spat out the tea she was drinking. her anger flaring up. She had to punch something, her fists were itching for it.

"Oh, I can ensure the fact that if you do not co operate, it won't be pleasant for you" Sasuke said in a sinister tone that shook Sakura to her core.

"Hah you can't kill me! You need me for your plan"Sakura retorted with a smug smirk one that made Sasuke twitch

"That's true Sakura but that doesn't mean I can't punish you...or your friends, how about that blond friend of yours? Ian or something?"Sasuke smirked.

"You wouldn't dare' Sakura yelled out

"Please, sakura try me" he smirked as he came closer to sakura

' I need to get away from him....too close' she thought as she retreated backwards

"Where do you think your going then Sakura?" Sasuke said in a creepy tone as he approached her

"No!"Sakura yelled as she tries to slip into the bathroom.

"So annoying" sasuke sighed

Sasuke tackled Sakura and landed in a position which had him straddling her and he pinned sakuras arms up above her head

"You bastard what have you done" Sakura yelled out angrily.

"Calm down as long as you obey me and behave then nothing will happen . Understood."

Sakura glared at Sasuke defiantly

"Understood!?"Sasuke yelled out in a challenging manner. He was getting pissed but he couldn't let Sakura know what effect she had on him

"Hai"Sakura replied half heartedly knowing not to get on sasukes bad side. Which just made sasukes ego soar even higher if that was even possible

Sasuke calmly decided it would be best to ignore sakuras rebellion and focused on telling her her scheduled

"You will remain in this room till I say so. Whilst doing so you will be taught mannerisms of the uchihas. You will help me restore the uchiha clan in doing so I can guarantee your friends will be safe"Sasuke finished awaiting sakuras protest

'okay, that sounds like a lot of work'

" No choose someone else!"

"No! Besides you have agreed and now that you have you can't go out of it besides only I know how to unlock the bracelets that your wearing right now, moreover they are programmed to shock and stun on my command ."

Sakura looked down into the ground she didn't have a choice:

she either she defies him and gets blown up and Sasuke goes after konoha which would risk the lives of thousands.

or be Co -operative and her village and friends will be safe.

Sakura let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding in.

One life sacrificed in return for the safety of others: her friends,her family, the children, all the innocent lives. she will do this. This is the right choice. Right?!

'No, theres no way sasuke is the only one who can unlock these, I'll have to find someone who has a speciality in chakra infused jewellery in konoha or in this town and make my escape'

Heck yeah let's make some green eyes and pink haired uchihas

Bout time you showed up.

Sorry I was dreaming about being in a harem





In reality

Sasuke huffed in an impatient manner at a deep in thought sakura. He had better things to do like discuss battle tactics with obito and madara and had to arrange the marriage ceremony.

'madara will be pleased about this, then when konoha least expect we shall take them all down, all of them who dared to deny or defy the uchiha clan they will all pay" Sasuke thought to himself with an evil gleam in his eyes which was failed to be noticed by the kunoichi in front of him.

"Ill take your answer later because I have urgent business to attend to so therefore I will be going now and I shall check up on you later." Sasuke spoke out bringing Sakura clear out of her train of thought. Sasuke walked near the door and opened it.

'ok now I can figure out a way to get away from here's Sakura thought, Sasuke turned around with a creepy look on his face

" Don't try to escape otherwise you will deal with the severe consequence Sakura." Sasuke warned before leaving

"Fuck him and his warning at least he left now I can finally plan my escape" Sakura thought as sakura got up and looked around the room.

she decided to change out of her clothes and put on clothing that had been folded on a table near the bed neatly, it had the uchiha crest on the back (imagine temari outfit but in red with a white sash around it and the crest at the back)

Sakura picked the lock on the door with a clip on her hair and as soon as the door creacked open Sakura immediately bolted though the maze of corridor's.

She soon was lost in the halls but after walking another 5 minutes Sakura saw a streak of light

'yes a window! I can crawl through that and escape!'

Sakura ran rapidly and then collided into something big and tall

"Ow shit! I didn't see that wall!" Sakura yelled in pain as she fell onto the ground and rubbed her head due to the pain.

Sakura looked up still clutching her head

'That isn't a wall'

Emerald eyes met with red eyes with swirling black tomoes

It was at this moment Sakura realized she was In deep shit.

"Sa-ku-ra I warned you!"the voice hissed as he picked Sakura up and threw her over his shoulder like a sack.

Oh crap

Well that's all for now hope you like it

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