EDITED: seduction? an escape part 2

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Sasuke threw Sakura roughly on the bed

"I warned you Sakura now you pay the price" Sasuke said as he locked the door and turned to face the terrified Sakura

'wait a minute I have an idea' Sakura thought

"Sasuke kuuuuuuun "Sakura purred out seductively and pulled herself in Sasuke lap.

'whats she doing?' Sasuke thought but still hypnotized by the sexy Sakura

" Sa su ke kun, I wanna have some fun" Sakura called out in sasukes ear.

'does she...want this?'

Sakura began licking sasukes neck and grinded on him as she drew circles on his chest and flicked his nipple

'should I let her continue?'

"S...s...Sakura"Sasuke called out unable to hold himself in

'maybe I should just let her continue it feels good and it's nice to have Sakura like this but"

Sasuke flipped over Sakura

" I like being on top, Sa-ku-ra chan" Sasuke purred in sakuras ear as he pinned sakuras arms down above her head, and wedges a knee between sakuras legs.

Sakura shivered as Sasuke bent down and bit sakuras neck

"You were really naughty but maybe I'll let you off if you be a good girl , my koi(beloved) and listen to me, I don't mind you acting like this but dont get any ideas" Sasuke purred as he groped sakuras Chest and straddled Sakura.

"I like the view" Sasuke commented below to Sakura who was completely and utterly defence less.or so he thought.

Sasuke picked up Sakura and began to take off her jacket after he did so he brought his lips near sakuras

'I've always wanted to do this and now I finally can we are getting married anyway so it doesnt matter' Sasuke thought as he closed his eyes and bent down slowly to meet sakuras lips.

' I've been thinking about Sakura for years, I missed her, why? I dont like her beautiful exotic long pink hair, her shiny green emerald eyes, the way she smiles and lights up a room when she walks in.
She's she's soooooooo .........


The girl who chased me around all the time and was the leader of my fanclub. I Sasuke uchiha have feelings for Sakura haruno my childhood stalker....

"ARGHHH HH FUCK!!!!!" Sasuke yelled - screamed out as he went down on his knees clutching his balls. ( You can kinda guess what Sakura did, when you have super strength, chakra, an opportunity and sasukes balls within range it's kinda obvious what Sakura would do)

Sakura bolted out of the room and ran through the halls and corridors that had been adored with priceless antiques, portraits, the uchiha clan symbol printed very boldly on each wall. With chandeliers and lamps lighting up rooms with an almost blinding glow.

' these guys have some good taste'

I know right, sasuke would be so good as a sugar daddy not wait madara....dammmnnnn

Why are you like this? You are aware that madara is like 100 years older than us right? Not that he is even an option

Age is just a number sakura, besides think about all the experience he must have.

I'd rather not

stumbling into vast rooms and galleries, exhibits and 3 libraries,an office and 4 bathrooms, a dinning Hall and a ballroom however that she had no time to admire any of these since she heard Sasuke howl and his footsteps only less than 2 corridors away

'Shit! What do I do? Why did I just do that?!'sakura cursed mentally
'now Sasuke is helvelte and he going to fuckin ' punish me '

Sakura jumped into a door which happened to be a storage cupboard and stood there silently as she listened out for sasukes steps.

She looked though a small crack at the cotton of the door which she saw sasukes feet walking away. Sakura let out a sigh of relief she had no idea she was even holding in as her heart pulsated out of her chest.

"thank God he didn't notice me I'm free" Sakura mumbled to herself

" Think again Sa-ku-ra chan" Someone whispered in her ear behind her

Sakura spun around and met a familiar feeling as she looked up , green eyes meeting crimson red eyes with tomoes spinning in them.

"Found you sakura,and this time. You aren't escaping. " he called out as he caught a fainting sakura.

"You can't leave me Sakura, you have to stay, I'm sorry for being selfish" Sasuke added whispering quietly but knowing fully well that Sakura couldn't hear him

During this,Sasuke remembered what Madara said to him

"Make an example of that girl you chose, if your men see your woman disobeying you, you will lose all your respect.'

"Yes Madara San"

Right now,, Sasuke wondered if he could ever allow himself to extinguish sakuras flame, he could if he wanted to but did he want to....??

No. No. Orders are orders and no one has a way around them.

But I can

Who are you

I'm the author of this all and I write these cute little scenes

Uhmm okay?

Anyways let me address the people so walk away uchiha

Sasuke walks away mumbling something about tomatoes

Hey guys I was thinking about writing a lemon but I was wondering if its maybe too soon to do so. Let me know in the comments.

Plus now it's Soo cute how Sasuke has realized his feelings and of course Sakura feels the same way but she wants to be in konoha and Sasuke is evil.

İt's so cliche but is till ship it! The song is by anime twins on YouTube and is called clarity

SASUSAKU.  king uchiha and queen harunoWhere stories live. Discover now