Crossfires love

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At the age of twenty-four I was working at a dead end job going no where fast. My mom was always on my case about settling down and having her and dad some grandkids, but the right guy didn't exist for me. He was either to childish or so mature that I wanted to tell him can you not be be serious for one moment? Yeah that guy never stay with me after I told him that. He had the nerve to call me childish and the girl that didn't know what she wanted to do with her life.

Well that part was correct. I didn't know what I wanted out of life. I did want a guy that would argue with me and knew how to have fun for a change. I guess you can say the day I walk into the book store because I didn't have nothing to do on weekends, changed my life forever.

Chapter 1

"Esther I forbid you to go!" "Mom I am twenty-four you can't forbid me to do anything". "I can tie you to the bed and lock you in your room". "Mom you can't do that besides I don't live here." "Esther why did you join before talking to me first?" "Mom it isn't like I decided to have a baby or run off and got married, and I am just joining the Air Force " "I would had like it better if you told me you were pregnant in stand."

I then gave her a kiss and said "mom I will write as often as I can and I love you". "I love you too please be careful. Don't get marry without telling me first", she said hugging me tightly". "Mom you don't have to worry about that. I don't think there is a man out there that wants to deal with someone like me." "Now that sweetie is where you are wrong". She helped me to the car with the bags and dad drove me to the bus stop.

Mom was too upset to take me her self. I guess I should had told her two months ago when I joined in stand of waiting the night before. She was taking it hard. "Well baby girl here we are". "Yeah I guess I will see you at graduation in eight weeks". "I am sorry Esther, I am hoping to change your mothers mind, but as of right now she is refusing to go." "It is ok daddy." I gave him a quick hug and a kiss and got out of the car. I was hoping I wouldn't start crying.

I found my bus and got a window seat. I was just about to put my earphones in when a petit blond girl sit next to me. "I hope you don't mind but the other sits are getting taken up fast." "No it is fine. I am Esther". "Maddie". "So going to boot camp too", said Maddie?" "Yeah does it look like I just made the worst mistake of my life?"

"No it looks like you just made the best decision of your life". "Why do you say that?" "Let's just say I can read people really well". "Ok Maddie since I can't read people, why did you join the military?" "Why else? For all the men in uniform". We both started laughing and for once I felt like I could relax. The whole trip to San Antonio, Texas we laugh and joke about everything. It made the trip go so much better.

By mid morning the bus finally came to a stop at our training camp. I was just waking up and stretching when the finest man I have ever seen walk onto our bus. "Didn't I tell you military guys were hot", said Maddie whispering to me? "Yeah but you didn't say they would be that hot". "She started laughing and that is when we got the attention of Mr. Hunky.

"Ok ladies off the bus!" "Wow he went from sexy man to drill sergeant in two seconds flat", said Maddie getting up. Once we were off that is when we got the opportunity to learning his name. "My name is Major Dixon. I realize I have a pretty face but I will be address as Major Dixon and not Mr. Sexy!" "Wow did he really know what we were talking about", said Maddie leading toward me? I just shrug because it is no way he heard and now my new thoughts were he was a ass that knew he was fine and didn't care about anyone else.

He made us line up facing him while he walk back and forth. He finally started telling us what was expected us. "You will be up at five every morning. If you are a minute late you will be punishment. Each of you will be split up in a group with twelve others. Get to know each person they will be your family for next eight weeks."

The closer he walk looking at each one of us the more nervous I got. I could feel my heart beating fast so I could hear it in my ears. He came to me and stop and look at me. I knew not to look straight in his face, but he was so close I wanted to look to see what color his eyes were. He walk off finally and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Hey are you alright", asked Maddie? "Yeah just peachy. Let's go find our bunk". "Do you think it is a co-ed", asked Maddie excitedly? "Umm probably not, but a girl could wish right?" I went to grab my bag but a strong hand got to it before I could. "Sorry to tell you but the rooms aren't co-ed". I started studding, which I never do, "I wasn't wondering"--but he cut my sentence off by placing his figure over my lips. I had the urge to lick his figure which I am glad when he moved his figure so I wouldn't get kick out on my first day for harassment.I grab my bag and hurried to catch up with Maddie. I could already tell it was going to be a very long eight week.

"What was that all about" asked Maddie walking to our dorm? "I don't know but something tells me I should be worry". "I wouldn't be girl that guy is fine", said Maddie. "Yeah he is but I have a feeling he is a hard shell to crack". We both started laughing. As we reached our room we stop in our tracks because in the middle of our room was the second finest man we have ever seen. It was love at first sight for Maddie.

"Maddie are you drooling?" "Look at him. Hey why aren't you?" "Come on Maddie let's find out his name." We were just about to walk over when I hear someone whispering in my ear "that is Major Phillips. Not quite as tough as me but I guess we will keep him". I was about to comment but Major Phillips walks over.

"Ok ladies and what are y'all's names. "Maddie Carter". I was too busy looking at Major Dixon to realize it was my turn to speak. Maddie punch me with her elbow to get my attention. "Oh sorry I am Esther Simmons". I couldn't help to see the smile that Major Dixon gave. I guess he knew I was distracted by his beauty.

"Hey Dean can I speak with you for a minute", said Major Dixon? "Yeah Sean be right there". "Ladies go find a bunk and we see y'all in twenty minutes", said Major Phillips. The guys walked off and that is when Maddie grab my hand and lead me to our bunk. "I can't believe it. The first time I truly fall head over heels for a guy and he is one of our officers. How am I going to make it these eight weeks with him around", said Maddie flopping on the bed." "Maddie you are going to make it because I am going to make sure you do". "Thanks Esther. Now let's get up and unpacked.

Sean's POV

I can't believe it the first time I actually have my heart speed up for a girl and it is a girl I can't touch. This is going to a long two months. I couldn't help but grab her bag when she went for it, I had to see those gorgeous green eyes again. When she stutter I wanted to smile so big but knew I had to keep up the bad ass act.

As the girls left I walked behind them but they didn't seem to notice. I was actually enjoying the view. When the girls stop I had to eavesdrop to see what they were talking about. It seem her friend had a crush on Dean. I wanted to laugh so hard because all the girls fell for Dean but this is the first time I actually saw a different look he gave her friend. I could tell I was affecting her as much as she was affecting me because when it was her turn to say her name her friend Maddie had to get her attention.

Her name was so beautiful. I knew I was going to have to guard my heart from her. I had to remember who I was, the bad ass that didn't need love. I was a player and I had to remain that way. Once the ladies where out of hearing range I had to ask Dean if he could find out anything out about Esther. "Hey man looks like we are in trouble this time", said Dean. "Yeah but you know the rules". "Yeah I know. Look but don't touch too much", said Dean laughing.

"Funny but I need some information on Esther if you can get it for me?" "Wow since when does one girl interests you", asked Dean? "I didn't say I was interested, I just want to know about her". "Yeah sure but since your my friend I will see what I can find out about both girls". He then walk off toward the office. I was just hoping I wouldn't let my feelings for Esther get in the way of my job.

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