Was a army brat

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Chapter 2

Esther's POV

My alarm went off at four a.m. I cover my head with my covers making the noise fade in the back round. I was slowly drifting back to sleep when the covers were yank from my hands and stood a very cheerily Maddie. She was already shower and dress and ready to go. Just great a morning person. "Maddie don't tell me you are a morning person?" "Of course I am silly. Why are you still in bed? Get up and shower. Breakfast is at six." "That is way too early for breakfast. Do you think they would let me skip?"

My question was answer for me when tall, dark, and sexy number two came strolling up in our room. "Time to rise and shine girls", said Dean. "Look at him, Esther. Sleep did him well", said Maddie with a sigh. See why I got up early?" I shook my head at her and threw the covers back and grab my clothes and ran to the bathroom. I knew I wouldn't have long so I did a quick shower and threw my long thick brown hair in a messy bun.

Maddie and I walked into the mess hall. Maddie immediately went and grab a plate and filled it. I grab a coke and a piece of toast. I was going to find a seat when gorgeous man number one stuck his foot out in front of me. I would had drop everything if a strong arm didn't catch me. He even saved my coke and plate with my toast.

I looked up to blue eyes. He bent to whisper "always watch what is going on around you. It will someday save your life." He then gave my plate back and went to his table. Why did he have to be so good looking? "Come on Esther let's get a seat", said Maddie. "You know if I didn't know any better I would say your heart is in trouble." "No of course not Maddie. I'm just admiring his beauty." "Yes I know but next time take a picture it might last longer", said Maddie laughing. I look over to see Major Phillips talking to Major Dixon. They both look over to Maddie and I and wink. I turned away knowing I was beat red.

"So I take it you really like him", said Maddie? "Umm no. Besides I know it would be against the rules to have a relationship with him." "I know isn't it exciting. It can be a secret!" "Shh Maddie don't say that too loud. We don't want to get kick out before we even get started". "I can see you need to learn to have fun. Good news for you I am just the person to show you", said Maddie.

Sean's POV

I saw Esther and Maddie laughing. She look so beautiful. "You know man I have never seen you look at a girl the way you look at Esther Simmons", said Dean. "That isn't true". "Oh really name a time you had?" I thought for a second and knew he was telling the truth. "Ok fine but I know how to keep my distance." "Yeah sure you do". "By the way what did you find out about her?"

"I talked to the computer nerd this morning." "Hey man don't call Steven that. He tries so hard to be perfect so you will be his friend." "I am his friend I just like picking at him I even told him I was going to name my first born after him". "So what did he find out?" "Well it seems that Esther is full of secrets. She is actually adopted." She was with her birth parents till she was three then was adopted. I find it strange that the birth parents gave her up when she was three in stand of when she was a infant. I think might have to do my all research on this one she seems interesting." "What about her friend? Find anything interesting there?" "Oh yeah she is very interesting in ways I can't wait to find out if you know what I mean". "Man just keep your hands off till she graduates." "Fine but you know if she kisses me I have to kiss back". I started laughing because Dean was hopeless. He always knew how to get around the rules.

Esther's POV

I was so glad I didn't eat much because after breakfast we ran till I thought I was going to puke. My side was hurting, my heart was beating out of my chest, and I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was dying. When drill sergeant Fields finally let us take a break Maddie and I fell to the ground. "Maddie I don't know if I can go anymore." "We have too Esther this is only our first day", said Maddie out of breath. "I was just getting my breath back when I hear "ok ladies let go learn how to properly load and unload a gun", said Major Phillips. Maddie immediately regain her energy and jumped up. "Maddie tell me how you got all of your energy back so fast?" "Well I don't know maybe it was that fine man that might just be behind me when he shows me how to hold a gun." "He didn't say he was going to show us how to shoot. He said how to load it". "I wonder if he will give private lessons". "Maddie sshh he might hear". "I hope he does". "What am I going to do with you?" "Umm I don't know maybe learn from me", said Maddie laughing.

We walk over to where Major Phillips was and he winks at Maddie. I knew then he must have heard. I elbow Maddie and say "see I told you not to be so loud." "It is fine Esther. I don't mind that he knows". "Ok ladies today I will show you how to clean and put a gun together. It isn't hard but if you need help please don't hesitate to ask". Maddie pokes me whispering " see he doesn't mind". I just shake my head at her because clearly she was going after him matter he was off limits.

Since dad used to be in the army he showed me how to clean and put a gun together. So it was a piece a cake for me. Maddie had trouble but she refused to let me show her what to do. So of course when gorgeous man number two walked up and ask if she needed help her answer if course was "please".

While he showed Maddie what to do and clearly she wasn't paying a bit attention to what he was saying because she kept staring at the way his muscles flex. "So Simmons how do you know how to put a gun apart?" "My dad was in the army after I was born he got out. He showed me how to put it together, clean it, and how to shoot. Well he tried to show me how to shoot I never hit the target. I really wasn't that interested in that part." He started laughing "well Major Dixon will be happy to show you how to shoot." He looked at Maddie and said "so that is all it is do, any questions?" "Umm no I think I got it thanks". He walked away and I said "you didn't get anything did you?" "Nope to busy staring at his incredible body."

"Ok ladies that is enough today walk over to where Major Dixon is, it is time to learn how to use a gun". "Oh goody that part I can do", said Maddie. "Maddie how so you know how to use a gun?" "Oh just like you, I was a army brat and my dad showed me." I saw the look Major Phillips gave Maddie I guess that made he like her even more.

We walked over to Major Dixon and he had twelve guns laid out, one for each of us. "Ok ladies have y'all ever shot a gun before?" Nine out of the twelve raised their hands. "Ok go take one, it isn't loaded I will show you how to properly handed a gun then we will load it. After he showed us how to handed and load it we took our places and we were ready to shoot. Each one of us took our turns shooting and by the time it was my turn I was sweating bullets. I was so nervous I didn't hear him say my name till Maddie elbow me in my side.

"Simmons are you ok?" "Umm yeah just a little nervous. I was never good at shooting." He smiled and said well it is fine just do the best you can do?" I look around to make sure no one else was around. I pick my gun up and stared at my target and pulled the triggered. I didn't realize I closed my eyes till Maddie said well you probably would had hit the target if your eyes wasn't closed." The bell rang for lunch and Major Dixon told us to go to eat. I was about to walk away till he said "Simmons stay for a second." I knew then I was in trouble.

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