Meeting General Simmons

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Chapter 7

Esther 's what is so bad about your parents coming", asked Maddie with concern? "Well for one thing I am the only child and they are both are over protective of me". Suddenly Maddie got a sad look on her face "Esther you should treasure your parents because you never know when you will wake up and they won't be there". I knew then that something tragic happen in Maddie's life.

"Maddie I am sorry for whatever you went through". She wipe away a few tears and said "if is ok it happen ten years ago but I still miss them both. I was raised by my aunt and uncle. To make a long story short it wasn't the best four years of my life." "Maddie if you ever need to talk just know I am here." "Thanks Esther that means a lot".

(Knock knock)

"Hey Esther I am Dr. Weathers. All of your blood work were good. Your CT test was also normal. I am a little concern about your heart." "Why is that Dr. Weathers? I had a test of my own body before joining the Air Force. I was told everything was fine." "Esther isn't bad and really nothing to worry about right now, but you do have a small murmur that I want to have check out. However by doing so it is possible you will be discharge from the Air Force. I am sorry to be the barrel of bad news, but I will do my best to help you to stay in. I will give them a written report saying that you can perceive with the rest of Basic."

"Thanks Dr. Weathers. I want to finish what I started." "I would like for you too Esther, but I want you to prepare for the worst. If the test comes back and there is something wrong you want be able to finish Basic. Sorry to be the one with bad news. The nurse will be in to discharge you." He left and my whole world seem to fall down around me and I started crying. When I didn't think it could get any worst my parents walk in with a man I am never seen before.

When mom saw my face to ran to me and gave me a hug. "Sweetie your father and I can as quickly as possible. Wha did the doctor say?" "Umm well the test were fine just going to have a bad headache for a few days". Maddie gave a disapproving look but if she had my parents she would lie too.

"That is good news sweetie. Why were you crying?" "Oh I just thought I was going to have a lot of explaining to do because of the bar fight." "Umm Esther, hello I am General Simmons and I am actually here to let you know that you aren't in trouble. I just need to get a statement from you on what happen last night "Well...umm..." Just when I was trying to figure out what to say Major finest and Major hunky walked into my room. "General Simmons if I can speak for Simmons. I can get this misunderstanding up". What? He has completely lost his mind! Probably won't be the last.

"That is ok Major I can speak for myself." Then he gave me the look. The look that said he was furious at me, and to let him do the talking. Yeah I knew I should had bit my tongue, but getting on his nerves was something I have been enjoying doing. I saw no reason I should stop now. I .might regret it later but for the time being I was going to have some fun.

Sean's POV

I was just about to walk to Esther's room when I over heard General Simmons talking to a man and a women. To not disturb their conversation I waited till they were finish talking, after all I didn't want to give them the wrong impression. Thanks for serving in Irag one year and having hearing gun shots for that year, I was having a hard time hearing what they were saying. The best I could make out the man and woman knew General Simmons very well.

I walk in after they did and the conversation they were having I didn't like. I just knew she was going to say she shouldn't had and would have suffer the consequences later. Then she had to give me that look and I knew her pretty little mind's wheels were turning to say something sarcastic. Before she could General Simmons jump in and said "Major Dixon I need to see you in my office now!" "Yes sir". I walk out and I look back and she gave me that smile, the one that I was forever hooked on.

We went back to his office, which I found out that he was just assign to stay for the rest of training camp, that was just my luck. General Simmons has always had it out for me. He always harder on me than anyone else. He was bad ass that I couldn't stand. I reach his office and before I could knock I heard "come on in Major".

"Major Dixon I you know why I was always hard on you?" "Can I speak freely, sir?" He laugh and said "of course you aren't in trouble". I let out a breath and said "because you hated me". That made him laugh even harder "no Sean I don't hate you. I am sorry if I made you feel that way. Look I know you have feelings for Esther. I went through the same thing with her mother". I look up and was shock because did he really say what I though he did?

"Sean what I am about to tell you stays between us. Esther doesn't know yet and I want to keep it that way for right now." "Yes sir". "I met her mother Ruby King when I just finish up my schooling and was about to be sent over seas. She worked at one of the local restaurants and it was love at first sight. I had three weeks before I left and I have to say it was the best three weeks of my life. When I had to leave it was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I never imagine I could love someone so much to just met her.

I was gone two years and when I got back I learned that she went to nursing and school and became a LPN, but the next I found out shock me more than anything. She had a baby girl name Esther. I didn't know how to react. The lady at the restaurant didn't tell me

how old the child was so I wasn't sure if she was mine or not. The lady at the restaurant was nice enough to tell me where she was working. I was feel with so many mix emotions. It wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think of her. We wrote for a month but the second month she stop writing and sent back every letter I wrote to her. I thought she moved on.

I got to the hospital were she was working and ask if I could see Ruby, and I was surprised when the girl said Ruby King, I knew then she wasn't married. She called her to the front and she was even more beautiful than before. She was so surprise to see me but also seem scared. Before she could say anything a little girl that look just like me ran up to her. I knew then she was mine.

Sean to make a long story short we made it work for a year but after she left me and Esther. I don't know why she did. Maybe she thought I didn't give her enough attention or the fact I was getting sent back over seas push her over the edge. I ask her to marry me but she refused. The next day I woke up with a note saying it would't be fair to me or Esther if we got married. I never understood until now. Take care of my little girl and be the man that I wish I was. Stay with her and don't let her push you away." "I won't sir but why are you telling me all of this when you sure be making amends with your daughter. She doesn't even know who her real parents are." "I know Sean. My brother and his wife took excellent care of her. They love her as their own. His wife Jane wasn't able to have any children so when I ask for them to watch Esther when I was sent over seas she was more than happy to do so. After I got back she was so happy with them as they were with her that I felt they could give her a life I couldn't, with two loving parents. Please don't think bad of me because a person don't really know what they would do until they are in that situation." "I know sir but when do you think is the right time to tell her? After all she is twenty- four now. Don't you think it is about time she meets her biological parents?" He was about to say more but a woman knock on the door. "We will talk about that later Major you are dismissed." I walk out feeling helpless and so sorry for Esther. How could a mother walk away from her little girl and a

father giving her up to? How was I supposed to face Esther and not say anything to her?

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