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Chapter 4

Maddie and I found a sit towards the back when Major Dick and gorgeous man number two walked into the room. All the girls got excited, I was not impressed. I was praying he wasn't my teacher. I liked Major Phillips but Major Dick had trouble written all over him. "Look Esther I think today is our lucky day", said Maddie excitingly. "Speak for yourself Maddie, you know I can't keep what I am thinking to myself when he is around". "Yeah I know it is going to be fun to watch. I wonder if they provide the popcorn.

I was about to comment saying hell no they don't provide the popcorn because my life wasn't a funny comedy or was it? "Ok ladies we are going to learn about what each strip means and just tell you about some things you might have never heard before", Major Dixon. "Oh this should be fun", I said whispering to Maddie. She started giggling and natural that cause Major Phillips to look at her and smile. However I wasn't so lucky because Major Dick said "Simmons would you like to add to anything I just said?" Of course everyone turned and look at me. I look over at Maddie and it was all she could do to not start laughing.

I look up and met his gorgeous eyes and said "no sir not right now". He grin and I knew he wanted so badly to comment but wouldn't. "Ok let's get started". For the next hour and a half we learn about what each strip was and how to get it. At the end of class we were surprise with a pop quiz. I look over to Maddie and mouth "wasn't I right", meaning he was a Dick for giving us a test on the first day of class. She just shook her head. I guess she thought I was hopeless. When I got my paper I notice it was twenty questions, and it was twenty hard questions. I guess it was the way he worded it or maybe I wasn't paying attention when he was going over it.

"Ok ladies y'all can go", said Major Phillips. "If you aren't finish stay and finish because this will be part of your grade." That was just great. I laid my head down because not eating was starting to catch up with me. "Simmons what is wrong", said Sean? I pick up my head and I said "nothing just feel a little light headed." "Ok you need food". "No I am fine". "No you aren't come on". He help me up and told Major Phillips he will get me something eat and I will rejoin my group later.

"Major Dixon I am fine". "Esther stop being so difficult", said Sean walking next to me. I stop in my tracks because it sounded so good to hear him say my name. "Ok Simmons I don't have all day". I smiled and walked passes him because I knew he didn't mean to say my first name. "What are you smiling about". "You know you just called me Esther in stand of Simmons."

"Oh I guess I did. So what do you want to eat?" "A burger would be great". "Yeah it would but probably don't have one here. Although it is a great bar about a mile and they make good burgers". "Well what are we waiting for let's good". "Simmons I promise I will take you one day and get a burger there but not today". "So are you saying you take me one day?" He looked and me and smiled and said "yeah I will show you where it is". I started laughing "ok so what do you think they have for me to eat?"

"Umm probably a sandwich". "Sounds good. Actually anything would be good. I have a major headache". He smiled and said "so how do you like basic training so far?" "It is fine. How do you like being a teacher and in charge of all of us?" He started laughing "well actually didn't want to come, but my commanding officer talk me into it. I much rather be station somewhere than trained the new recruits, but this time I can actually say I'm glad that I came.

(Kansas City, Kansas)

"Sir a Ruby King is here to see you". I turned to see my ex-girlfriend walking into the room. She was just as beautiful as she was when we were together. "Hey Jacob." I got up and gave her a hug, and once my arms went around her I didn't want to let go. "Jacob it is good to see". "You too Ruby. "What brings you to Kansas?" "Jacob I want to get to know our baby girl." I was speechless. Why did she care now about our child? "Jacob I have a heart condition that is heredity and I really need to get in touch with Esther to let her know about it." I didn't know what to say "what can they do for it?" She got tears in her eyes and said "Jacob I am dying. I am on the list for a new heart but you know how you have to wait sometimes. If they catch it early they can do surgery and fix the problem. I just want to tell her I am sorry for running away all those years ago. " I pulled her into my arms and I knew I still and will always love her.

"Ruby there is something you don't know. After you left it was extremely hard on her and me. She cried herself to sleep almost every night. After a month she started improving but then I was deployed for two years. I sent her to live with James and Jane . They loved her as their own and she loved them. She was truly happy there so I sign over my rights and they adopted her. She thinks they are her biological parents."

"So what you are telling me you haven't been in her life?" "I send money every month but no I don't see her. They send pics every now then but lately haven't got one since I haven't been here long." "So she what you are saying we shouldn't tell her everything at once?" "I will call James and we will set up a meeting about telling her. By the way how did you find me?" "I actually called James to see where you were living. He was relented at first but finally told me where you were station." "Ruby you know if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask. I can help you find a doctor maybe it is something else they can do." "Jacob the only thing that will save me will be a new heart. That isn't what matters right now though, I just want to tell Esther how sorry I am and I pray she forgives me.

(Back in Texas)

After I ate I found Maddie at the dorm. "Hey Esther how are you feeling". "Much better now. What did I miss?" "Oh not much just jump a few hurdles and over some walls, climb under some tube looking thing with water in it, I will have to say it wasn't that bad. Sorry you missed all the fun." I started laughing "I am so glad I needed food." "Look at me I am a miss. Oh but tonight a bunch of girls were talking about some bar a mile from here and we are definitely going". "Umm yeah ok I guess that will be fun. I will go get ready."

After we shower and dress we went to the local bar. It was already in full swing when we got there. "This is awesome", said Maddie practically yelling over the music. "Yeah I can already predict I will he carrying your ass out because you will be so drunk". "Not true", she said laughing. She started looking around for most likely hot guys to talk to when she got very excited. I look and see gorgeous man number two in right jeans and a tight shirt walking towards us. I look at her and said "don't even think about it". "Sorry too late, but hey looks like it is both of our lucky night". She points to none other than sexy man number one walking towards me wearing jeans and a black shirt that show his incredible muscles. Yeah I knew then I was in trouble .

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