Bar Fight

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Chapter 6

For the first time in my life I didn't know what to do. Should I be mad that the guy name Chase grab me and refuse to let me go, or should I be happy that major finest came to my rescue? Chase look at me and wink which just made my temper ready to burst. "I am so sorry sweetheart I didn't mean to upset you in anyway. I wasn't going to harm you", said Chase. Yeah he was a dick through and through. I am great judge in character, or am I? "Here let me help you up", said Chase offering his hand. "No thanks I don't need any assistance." "Oh you are one of those kind of women ", said Chase.

Those few words did it. "Excuse me what is that supposed to mean?" He laugh I guess I amused him. I look over at Major Finest and he was chuckling too. If he wasn't so fine I would give him a piece of my mind. On second thought "umm it isn't funny Major Dixon." He clear his throat and said "of course not Esther I am sorry. Chase that is no way to treat a lady", said Major Dixon laughing. Although he said it with a straight face I could tell he was dying to laugh. "Go ahead Major and laugh" and he did both of them did. I am so glad I am amusing now if you will excuse me some of us have to get up early". "Hold on sweetheart. I really am sorry I just wanted to talk to you", said Chase calling out for me. I walked away looking for Maddie, and knowing Maddie she would be in a corner somewhere with Major Hunky number two.

Sean's POV

"So Major how do you know that beautiful young woman", asked Chase? "Well...I am her...." "Well spit it out man", said Chase laughing. I don't think I have ever seen you tough tied over a female before. What makes this girl so special?" "Man be quiet I don't want anyone to hear you say that. She is in basic training and I can't like her". "You know man for as long as I've known you I have never witness you liking someone this much". "That is exactly what I said" said Dean walking up behind me. I look around him to see Esther and Maddie walking off. Esther was clearly still upset. She was explaining everything to Maddie with hand motions. It was adorable. Just great this girl is totally trying to change me.

"Sean did you hear what I said", asked Chase. "No what was it?" They both started laughing. "Come on Sean let get to the bulk house and get a few hours asleep", said Dean. We step out and as soon as I saw the guy trying to pull Esther into his truck I lost it. Before I could reach her I saw she slap him and him punch her. I didn't think twice I ran up to him and punch him causing him to hit me. I knew I would be sore in the morning and would have a lot of explaining to do, but as of tonight I wanted to protect her.

Esther's POV

After I tried to explain to Maddie I what I just went through she decided that we should call it a night. Although she laugh and was sad she miss everything she thought I did a excellent job of reenactment. We just made it outside and was walking to wait for our cab a guy that was about 6'3 walk up to us.

"Well hello ladies." "Hey", said Maddie but I could tell she was as nervous as I was. "What is your name", he said looking at me? "Umm...we should get going we have to get up early for basic training." "Oh are y'all in the army?" "No the Air Force". "That is even better. I am sergeant Cameron Bates." "It was to meet you Sergeant Bates but we really need to go wait for our cab".

He then did the unexpected, he grab me and said "umm I didn't dismiss you yet and you haven't told me your name." "Umm it is Esther." "Esther what?" "Esther Simmons". "Now that is better Esther let's go somewhere to talk." He began pulling me toward his truck, and I knew he wasn't interested getting to know me. Maddie was screaming and hitting him but he refused to let me go. To get him off of him he hit her. I knew if I was going to have a chance of getting away I had to react quickly so I turned and punched as hard as I could. That probably was a bad idea because it didn't faze him just pissed him off more. I saw his fist coming but couldn't react fast enough. I fell to the ground with my vision blurring. I heard punching and people yelling. I was so curious who came to my rescue. I was sitting trying to get my vision to clear so I can stand but when I tried I just fell back down again. I was sitting waiting for vision not be so blurring when strong arms came and pick me. I tried to see who was carrying me but couldn't make out his face, but knew who it was when he spoke in my ear. "Don't try to move Esther. I am taking you back to camp to get you check out." "Wait what about Maddie?" "Don't worry Dean has her and she is awake and talking." "My head is killing me". "I know I am going to get that taken care of, and don't worry that guy will be reported." I lean my head on his chest and I soon found myself falling into a deep sleep.

I woke up to to see Maddie looking back at me. Her face was a little bruised where Sergeant Bates hit her but seem like it would heal fast. "Hey how are you feeling", asked a worried Maddie? "Umm like I hit my head, but I thought he punch me?" "He did your eye is back you must had hit your head on a rock when you fell. The good news is the doctor said no bleeding on the brain and the bad headache should go away with a couple of days."

"Well I guess that is good news then, but what about basic? Am I going to be kick out?" "Of course not Simmons", I look up to meet the green eyes of Major Dixon, a.k.a. my hero, but I will never say that out loud. "Hey Major Dixon, nice shiner you have". "Thanks Simmons you should see the other guy. By the way the Air Force Police are here so you can give your version of the story." "Umm I really don't won't to cause any trouble for anyone."

"Esther that guy hit you and it is no telling what he had plan for you if Major Dixon and Major Phillips didn't show up when they did", said Maddie getting upset. "Maddie you don't think they will call my parents, do you?" "Simmons they have been called.

Sorry we had to." "Great. That is just what I needed my parents coming to the rescue."

Jane's POV (Esther's mom)

We got the call about Esther being in the hospital and we hopped on the next plane out. Matter she is twenty-four she will always be my little girl. I couldn't imagine what she got herself into. We arrive at the hospital and before we got to her room James's brother Jacob and Ruby walked up. It seem the night couldn't get any worst.

"Jacob what are you doing here", asked James? "I was resign here to teach the new recruits but I heard it was a fight at the local bar and a young woman got hurt. What brings the two of you here?" "Well brother the young woman was Esther." All the color seem to drain from his face.

"What? What do you mean? What is she doing here in Texas?" "Calm down Jacob. She join the Air Force. We tried to talk her out of it, but I guess it is in her blood." Those few words were the hardest to say for me. Ruby was so in shock that she might see her daughter that she didn't know what to say.

"Ruby how are you? What brings you to Texas?" "Umm it is a long story Jane. The short version is I only came a few days with Jacob. I wasn't planning on staying till now." I knew then Esther's life was about to change. I just hope it was for the better.

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