Major Dick

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Chapter 3

I was waiting for the yelling that was sure to come. "Simmons are you afraid of guns?" I look down but he lifted my my chin and his eyes met mine. "Simmons answer me". "No and yes." He smiled then said "you have to learn to like it one day it just might save your life. Now run a couple of laps and go eat". I was walking off saying he was a ass under my breath. "What was that Simmons?" "Nothing Major Dixon everything is just peachy." He smiled then told me to start my laps so I would have a little time to eat but who would want to eat after doing all of that running.

I finished up and was breathless and for sure smelled walking into the mess hall. Our eyes met and I so badly wanted to give him the finger. Why was I being punishment for not necessarily likely guns? Maddie waved me over and I grab a water, coke and a apple. He gave me a look like he didn't approve of my choice of meal, but I didn't care what he thought. "Where have you been?" "You should ask Major Dick". She started laughing "I think you pronounced his name wrong". "No I think I pronounced it right". She was smiling but quickly looked down and was silent. I knew it wasn't good to look behind me. "Simmons I need to see you in my office". "Yes sir can I finish my lunch first?" No throw it away and come with me". I got up and mouth "see Major Dick".

I followed him to his office and he opened the door and said "after you". I wanted so badly to say bipolar much, but knew I would have to run more laps so I kept my lips shut. "Have a seat Simmons". I took a sit and he sat looking at me. I wanted to scream get on with it already! "Simmons you have to start eating more if you want to keep up your strength." Was this guy for real? I stared and he knew I wanted so badly to say something. He smiled and said "go ahead I know you are dying to say something back". I smiled and said "well can I speak freely?" "Sure go ahead" , Sean said smiling.

"You don't have to worry about me I will be fine and for your information my dad taught me how to shoot I never could hit the target. I was always afraid it was going to bounce off of the target and hit me or someone else". I pretty sure I said that in one breath because he busted out laughing. Why did his laugh have to be so nice to hear.

"Simmons you are something else. Ok we will work on your fear of accidentally shooting yourself or someone", Sean said laughing. "Hey don't laugh. It isn't anything to laugh about, although dad always hope I would grow out of it." "So tell me about your parents?" I look up at him and said "why do you want to know about them?" Just curious about you". He was about to say more but Major Phillips walks into his office. "Oh sorry man didn't know you had a visitor". he said smiling.

"I was just leaving". "Hey you can't leave until I say you can", said Sean standing up. I look at him thinking 'really'? "We will talk later", said Sean dismissing me. "Yeah Esther see you and Maddie around", said Major Phillips. I walked by him and said under my breath "at least someone is nice around here". "What was that Simmons", yelled Sean. "Nothing sir". I walked out smiling because over the next few weeks I was going to enjoy being around him. He brought out a side of me I thought died a long time ago.

(Back in Louisiana)

"Jane do you think we should write or call Jacob and tell him Ruby contacted us", asked Esther's dad James? "I think we should wait. " "We don't know why she wishes to see Jacob." "What if she wants to see Esther? " "Not sure but we should find out soon. "James do you think she will forgive us for not telling her. That is a big secret to keep." "Jane matter she isn't our biological daughter I feel she was ours. That is why I never wanted to tell her. I was afraid she would leave." "James I felt that way too but it is time to tell her she might run into her dad, your brother."

"I know Jane I will contact Jacob and let him know about Esther joining the Air Force. Maybe it won't be as bad as we think. He hadn't contacted her all these years, just sent her money without her knowing, he might can put in a word and she won't be sent the same place as him." "I just think we need to tell her before she finds out on her own", said Jane. "Let's see what her mom wants first then we will contact her", said James.

Esther's POV

I find Maddie waiting on me when I walked out of his office. "So what did he want". "Oh just to tell me to eat more. I think he is a little by biopolar. It is ashamed too to be that fine and to have that illness." We both started laughing. "Come on I think it is time for class. "Good I can't wait to sit down."

Sean's POV

Esther walked out and Dean looked at me saying "man you are so in trouble. What is that girl doing to you? She will soon have you eating out of the palm of her hand." "I know man I am really trying to keep my feeling for her at bay but it is getting harder the more time I spend with her. I find myself caring for her." "Well just make sure when the general visits he doesn't expect anything. You know how he is". "Yeah General Simmons is a ass." "Come on we have a class to teach. The girls will be so excited to learn that we will be their teacher", said Dean. "Yeah can't wait to see the look on Esther's face when we walk in".

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