☪ A/N ☪

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If you have read my stories previously, you know I can't do Author's Notes. That's just not my specialty. And yeah I know I have a lot of stories I haven't finished but really I had to put this out there.

And because I'm socially awkward and have no idea how to talk, so if you wanna chat with this ol' pumpkin, feel free to do that.

I know this is probably like cringe as heck to you right now. But I'm trying to make this as short and reasonable as possible. I'm cringing I'm sorry like bare with me here

I would give a description but naw it would kind of spoil it more than the description shows itself. If you have any ideas of what's going down feel free to comment it.

Also, yes my cover sucks. Yeah I say this for everything but it does. It's under major construction which will take me years to make. I just whipped up something, I'll probably fix it some more later in life. Or when I actually have time.

I have nothing more, nothing less to say. Adios

*Bows and waves goodbye and steps into the magic box of writing*

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