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  9:00 AM

Bumblebee felt the thin yellow shirt on his body and the grey sweatpants he wore. He looked at his arm, lines that formed the face he symbolizes for. He ran a hand through his hair, it felt weird, as did the clothing he wore. He could see a stand of his blonde hair, and looked at his pale skin.

A set of clothes nearly folded at the verge of his berth sat, clean and fresh.  His lips pressed into a firm line as he sighed forcefully. "Primus forbid.." He tossed on the clothes leaving his black jacket. He left his makeshift berthroom, wincing as the sunlight peered through his bright blue eyes. He wanted at the sudden pain, shielding his face as he walks out into the scrapyard.

Sideswipe, or the human equivalent of Sideswipe stood with folded arms. He had white skin, and brown bushy hair that was put into somewhat of a spikey mohawk. He wore a white shirt and a red hoodie with the sleeves rolled up. He had grey jeans and grey and white converse. "Just don't say it, I already know,"Sideswipe grimaced as he waved Bee off.

The human counterpart of Grimlock came out, with messy black hair, bulky arms and dark skin. He had on a green shirt and some sweatpants. His blue eyes narrowed, "Bee.. are you Bee?" Bumblebee nodded, "At least one of us weren't turned into humans," He grumbled as he waited.

Drift later arrived with Slipstream and Jetstorm, Bee had assumed, not far behind. The man wore an orange gi and grey pants below with grey army boots and had messy black hair yet a sharp goatee. Slipstream and Jetstorm were similar clothing, except vice versa in hues. Slipstream had red hair and wore a red shirt and black sweatpants, apparently not properly dressed for the day, reverse for Jetstorm, except Jetstorm had black hair.

A man in an orange wheelchair wheeled out, having a map of light brown hair, and wore a brown sweater vest and grey jeans with black army boots. He adjusted his glasses as he sniffed, "It appears this shocking event isn't just with me."

"Was this catastrophe contagious?" Jetstorm queried as he scrunched up his face questioningly. "I don't think that we all caught the same thing overnight... more of someone had plotted this beforehand," Bee replied as he folded his arms. "Where's Strongarm?"

"Right here, Sir. And it seems what happened to me happened to all of you?" The said woman arched a brow as she folded her arms in her black threaded sweatshirt and skinny camouflage printed jeans. She wore black army boots and had Platinum blonde hair that was naturally wavy and filled with frizzy split ends.

"Okay.. she is hot," Sideswipe muttered as Jetstorm nudged his side hard. "Flattering, but while the rest of you were here, I found this," Strongarm muttered as she handed Bee a grey square contraption. "What is it?" The lieutenant questioned as he hesitantly observed it. "I.. don't know.. It was just there when I woke up at the end of my berth underneath a set of clothes," The woman confessed as she folded her arms again.

Russell came out from the trailer, yawning as he held a pillow case under his arm. The others turned his attention towards the boy who blinked, smacking his lips together until he narrowed his eyes. "Before you say anything, just don't freak out," Sideswipe cautioned. "It's too late for that.." Russell muttered as he stepped down and observed the rest of them.

"What happened to you guys?" Russell's jaw gaped as he observed the others. "All of you are now... human.. Oh and Strongarm you look nice, you look like you could be someone from The Walking Dead," Russell gave mention and Strongarm argued both brows unconvinced. "That's what I said! Except for the fact about "The Walking Dead"," Sideswipe intervened as he folded his arms.

"You said, and I quote "Okay, she's hot"," Strongarm quoted. As Sideswipe was on the verge of protesting, Bee had cut in. "Strongarm, you found this at the edge of your berth, correct?" Strongarm looked down then nodded.

"Russell, go wake your dad and the rest of you go search your berthroom," Bee ordered as he flipped the strange artifact in his hand. As he looked up, everyone but Strongarm stood. "Sir, do you think this relates to the fact of being human?" The Cadet questioned as her blue eyes analyzed the unknown item in his hand.

"It has to."


Steeljaw groaned as all his men stood in a circle. He had a slate blue shirt and grey T-shirt with grey sweatpants, his messy mop of platinum blonde hair striking at every angle. His brown eyes narrowed at the team that looked much like a group of lazy men who couldn't take care of themselves. They all wore sweatpants and a T-shirt of either red, blue or brown and had hair that shot everywhere. 

"Ayo boss, is this some sort of joke?" The human equivalent of Thunderhooft growled as he clenched his large fist. "If this was some sort of 'joke', I would have been the one out of us all to remain alien but yet I see that we all are little fleshies," Steeljaw snapped, grinding his denta together. 

The lead Decepticon looked down at his wrist to see lines that formed the symbol he pledged to serve for. "If the Autobots haven't been turned into one of this planet's species, we clearly have the disadvantage.. make haste and find the nearest weaponry market around, Earth cannot be any different than Cybertron's markets."


"Ma'am, we have penetrated both alliances and gathered entail of their interior and exterior functions."

"Very well, it's time to succeed in what my husband could not."


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