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  Denny stroked his beard as he looked at the multiple grey artifacts that were set on the bar. "These all have a connection, maybe. If we could break into this, we can reverse the effects of you guys.. being human.." Denny calculated as Fixit rolled over. "It can't be that s-s-simple.." Fixit stuttered as he reached for one.

"They were left purposely and placed in each of your berthrooms. Who could have possibly known where your berthrooms are at, and if they were posing threat, they would have taken something," The little man prompted. "I already checked, everything is accounted for," Denny briefed. "Bumblebee, did anything abnormal happen yesterday? I mean our equivalent of out of the ordinary?"

"Not that I can remember.." Bumblebee folded his arms as he looked over at the couch where Sideswipe, Strongarm, Slipstream and Jetstorm sat. "If they didn't take anything, then something last night must of occurred that we all can't recall," Strongarm spoke out as she gave a shrugging gesture.

"That we all can't remember?" Sideswipe scoffed and Strongarm gave an eye roll. "And Bee, something did happen yesterday, everyone or from what I could see had gotten penetrated somehow, we were all confused for a moment until we went back to the ravage war yet again." Bee looked at his hands then snapped his head up. "You're right, but nobody bothered to even find the source.. so we can't track it down, and since we aren't what we used to be, we can't find out what caused it." He muttered bitterly before an odd silence followed.

"But we still have whatever that is," Grimlock contributed to the turn of events as he pushed himself up from the couch. "Fixit, are you able to open it up and see if this is something we should concern ourselves about?" The lieutenant question with folded arms. "I'm sure I can open this up with the aiding of Denny, if he doesn't mind," Fixit responded as he set down the flat squared artifact.

"I guess so, Russell will have to do the introduction to humanity presentation for you guys then," Denny huffed as Russell furrowed his brows. "I don't think so," Rusty inoffensively muttered as he shook his head. "Then you can go buy them coffee, teach them how to drive, how to use a phone or laptop, and how to work Netflix," Denny coaxed as he spread out the artifacts.

"I'm pretty fond with human devices, Raf always showed me the phones and laptops you humans used," Bee noted. "I think I might just stay here, adaptations and modifications can wait." "Well Bee, you never know how long until you guys are back to your normal selves, the least you could do is get comfortable living like this until then," The father advised and relieved a hum of consideration from both him and Fixit.
Drift folded his arms as he looked at Russell's phone. "This is just like our com systems, what do we need this for?" The samurai mumbled as he straightened up. "You guys don't have ear pieces yet, right now a phone would have to do. And on a phone, you can at least do whatever you want," Russell apprised with an apprehensive grin.

"Wait- does it have a mirror? I've been dying to see what I look like!" Sideswipe prompted as he placed a fist over his mouth.  "It has a camera..?" The boy tried his best as he handed Sideswipe the phone. The nineteen year old man and woman looked at the phone in curiosity. "I look good!" He exclaimed as he ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah, sure," Strongarm murmured unconvinced.

"Yeah sure," The former delinquent mimicked, handing back Russell's phone. The gate to the scrapyard rung in earshot of Russell and the others. "Dad didn't book anyone for today.. Did he?" Rusty furrowed his brows as he typed in the code, the gate cracking open enough for him to see a girl.

"Hank?" Rusty clarified in disbelief as he scratched the back of his neck. "Hey Rusty, it's been awhile since you've been on the field," Henrietta noted as she shifted. "I was wondering if you wanted to come back, we are still a man short." Rusty looked back at the human Autobots, then his father behind them.

"I think I'm pretty busy right now, Hank.. maybe later?" Rusty compromised meekly. "Oh- sure, see ya later, Rusty!" She waved as she fiddled with her fingers and walked away. Russell looked down and closed the gate before looking up at everyone. "Bad move, Russ," Denny muttered as he folded his arms.

"It's not important, not as important as this is," Rusty shot back, as he gestured towards them. "Well it's important to you, the little devices that you found in your rooms, it had a tracker on it. Fixit managed to disable it but was able to trace the transmitting signal," Denny explained as he held up the dissected device.

"But it can't be that simple," Strongarm intervened as she reached for one of the artifacts. "Look at us, we aren't the same as we were yesterday. Whoever done this must have known about our anatomy, not to mention they developed something that turned us into what we are today.  They know something we don't and that leaves them one step ahead."

"Strongarm does have a point, Lieutenant, for them to be able to mess with our anatomy like that. And to add I wasn't even in the battle and I was made into a human," Fixit added to the argument. "Planning an assault on the coordinates found would be something they would have already thought out. It's practically a suicide mission!"

"But that's just a possibility, right?" Sideswipe confirmed, interest boiling inside. "All of this is just a possibility, an extremely high and risky likelihood," Strongarm responded. "And not to mention thatbwe lost all our equipment when the mishap occurred. We can't face them." Denny scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Heh, I think I've got that covered.."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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