The Sims MCSM (part 2)

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Decided to chill tonight and play a little sims again, and hooo boy things are happening!

Okay first off, Petra and Lukas have become that completely unashamed PDA couple lol- they flirt in public, they're hugging on their own now, and they're both always wanting to kiss and stuff-- ALL the time.  It's literally a constant want lol-- if not something more than that. (let all records here show that I have NOT let them go beyond flirting-- they haven't even actually kissed yet.  I'm a firm believer in romance taking its time lol-- even if it means I watch the two of them like a hawk every second of the day).  Shortly after deciding to have a romantic relationship, they also became best friends, and quickly maxed their friendship bar.

I also ended up having both of them quit their jobs-- Lukas started earning more money from the few writings he managed to squeeze in around work than he did at his actual job, and for some reason Petra never earned much to begin with.  They both work from home now-- Lukas is developing a screenplay, and Petra discovered a strong affinity for painting (I literally have to drag her away from the easel sometimes... she's also our resident Miss I-Won't-Take-Care-Of-My-Needs lol)

The others have been doing pretty well too-- but most of them are out of the house a lot of the time.  I really want to have Axel and Olivia spend more time together, since Olivia decided to try flirting that once and it went over well, but their schedules come almost entirely into conflict so they rarely see each other.  Sad face.  The Jesses are very close friends as well-- in addition to being co-workers.  They're getting along fabulously.

It's been hard to maintain the garden, but I'm hoping to take steps toward moving the gang out into a bigger house and eventually getting everyone working from home.  But we shall see how that goes.  We're not there yet.

Having Petra and Lukas around all day has led to quite a few dorky moments.  Such as the time they both scooted off to the library and park together...

  Such as the time they both scooted off to the library and park together

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They spent the whole time shamelessly flirting, might I add... like I said, they're the awkward PDA couple at this point XD

There was also the time Lukas decided to follow Petra, who had chosen to wash dishes in the girls' bathroom (because, ya know, it's not like there's a sink in the kitchen or anything lol) to recite a love poem... and might I add, that was entirely his own doing.  It wasn't even a want!  He walked in there all on his own to do this:

  It wasn't even a want!  He walked in there all on his own to do this:

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She seemed to enjoy it, though.

Another time Petra also asked Lukas to teach her to dance.  That was the moment we discovered that Lukas has a certain style of dancing that I like to call "the velociraptor".

  That was the moment we discovered that Lukas has a certain style of dancing that I like to call "the velociraptor"

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They were having so much fun, I had to drag them away just to make them go eat lol.  In short, these two dorks make life very interesting, and I've really enjoyed having both of them around.  They also very much earn their keep-- Lukas gets several hundred $ worth every day from royalties, and Petra can (and does!) whip up valuable paintings with great frequency.  I think they're happy that the computer is right by the easel, so they can chat as they work.

Our next step will probably be moving into another house... right now, this one is getting a little too small.  Especially when we think of the future...

And as for things right now?

I'd say they're going swimmingly

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I'd say they're going swimmingly.

Always a fangirl,


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