AUs/Oneshot Ideas with Sleepdrunk Rushdall

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Yoooo this is Rush again

+notes from Kendall, who is ??? on this account for once in her life? THE HECK

The stuff from Ken is in bold btw

So here's just...some AU oneshot ideas we came up with??

-Dragon rider AU

NOT How To Train Your Dragon!!!!!!!!!!! Because everyone would think it was from the movies and I just rekjhgfjdschvjbnkl NO

I'm thinkin more like a Deltora kinda world, but where dragons are still a thing and people tame and ride them

And instead of a building competition, it's a big dragon race

And the Order (-Lukas) and the Ocelots are rivals, with Petra and Lukas as their best riders

And they both have important reasons for needing to win, but they both kinda want to throw the race to let the other win


rush the hell is Deltora

*sighs* yes yes I know but the thing is that if I base it off of something nobody knows about, I can mess with a lot of worldbuilding

And I'm pretty sure everyone knows my stance on worldbuilding

(if not, hi my name is Rush and I will gladly spend 387654 years just coming up with worlds)

-college AU where Lukas always doodles during lectures or classes and he always just draws what he sees, like the professor or other students

and Petra usually sits a few seats to the side and in front of him, and at some point he starts sketching her and realizes that she's just ?? really pretty??? and really fun to draw??? And eventually he's just got 37654 pages with sketches and drawings of Petra in the corners and on the backs

and he's too shy to ask who she is, so to him she's just 'the pretty redhead with the bandana and the cute freckles' who he can't help but draw whenever they're in that particular class

and one day they're paired up for a group project, and she's totally chill with it bc she's like 'alright, I don't know this guy but he seems smart, this'll be fine' while he just blushes intensely and tries to hide all his notebooks bc they're basically filled with pages of Petra


r u ok


calm down



-more soulmate Aus?? Like more than just the red string one

How bout that one where the first words your soulmate ever says to you is tattooed somewhere on your body?

OOOH AND THEY'VE BEEN FRIENDS FOR SO LONG THAT THEY DON'T EVEN REMEMBER HOW THEY FIRST MET?? So they both think they haven't met their soulmates yet?


*coughs* not gonna lie, an idea similar to this crossed my mind awhile back, I just never did anything on it. Except it wasn't Luktra it was an...intensely gay crackship.

You have a serious problem you know that


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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