Chapter 9

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For Jjohnson213

I rolled my eyes as Scott pulled me towards the barn. Apparently these parties are super rare because they are based when his father goes out of town. As soon as we slipped through the giant barn door, I could feel the contagious happiness in the air take over my body. If my hand wasn't being held by Scott's I think I would be swepted away by the people crowding him. They loved him.

"Come dance with me."

"No I-I can't." He smiled.

"Then let me teach you something." He pulled me pass the people who were all doing the same movements to the upbeat music. "You have to be close to me."

"O-okay." I took a step closer but still enough for a hand to be put between us. He put his hand on the small of my back, pressing every inch of my body against his. I placed my hands on his chest. "T-t-t-this isn't-t ri-ight." My voice cracked. He put his forehead against mine. He crinkled his nose. God he was cute.

"Dancing doesn't need to be right." He was spinning me around and making me jump randomly. "You need to loosen up. Come here." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to where someone bronze liquid was sitting in clear glass cups. He handed me one before taking one for himself.

"What is it?" He didn't answer me. He just took a long gulp. I watched his Adam's apple move as he swallowed. I sipped at the alcohol. I remember my parents would drink something like this on their anniversary. A looked down at the little girl who was pulling on Scott's shirt. She had brilliant green eyes and light red hair with matching freckles.

"Can you dance with me Scotty?" I shrugged when he looked up at me. It wasn't my place to say.

"Yeah." He smiled at the little girl. She tugged on his hand. "Hold on." He slipped his arm around my waist. I bit my lip, looking up in his eyes. He's so gorgeous. "You'll be okay?"

"Yeah." I nodded. He pulled me into a deep kiss and I almost dropped my cup when I tried to put my hand on the back of his neck. He backed away.

"I'll be back." I dropped my hand, wishing he would come back. I've become useless. All these feelings bubbling up inside me that I didn't understand.

"You're in love with him?" I jumped, turning to look at the old woman who spoke to me.

"Excuse me?" She moved my fringe away from my eyes with her shaking fingers.

"You have the same look as when my son married his wife." I glanced over where Scott was dancing with the little girl. He had a giant smile on his face. I drank some of the drink in my hand. I'm not in love with him. It's not right. A slave can't be like this. But the way I think about him. I mean, he's the only thing on my mind lately.

"I can't. If a slave finds love, they're always separated." Scott bent down to whisper in the little girl's ear before heading over to me and the old lady. She pat my shoulder before disappearing into the crowd.

"Ezra sure can tire someone out." My hand flinched away from his as he went to hold it. "What's wrong Mitch?"

"I shouldn't be here with you." His smile fell and I immediately wanted to make it return. It was my fault he was unhappy.

"You got him to come!" Kirstie stumbled over with a man's arm around her waist. I'm guessing this was her husband Avi. Kevin calmly walked up behind them with a smile. "Hi Mitch." She wrapped her arms around my neck in a quick hug. "Oh my god! I love this. Let's go dancing!" She pulled Avi back to where people were dancing.

"Okay." Scott said slowly. He tugged at my hand towards the swaying bodies but I stopped him. He hadn't used this hand to hold mine yet since yesterday. This was the hand he use to catch the whip before it hit me. "Here. I can switch hands if you want."

"No." I answered quickly. I held his hand palm up to look at the scabbed cut. That was going to scar. All because of me. He pulled me in the middle of the group as fast music began playing. I was so dizzy with the amount of spinning he was making me do. "Scott, I-" I tripped in the middle of my sentence but he caught me in a cliché pose. The pose didn't bother me though. I actually found it really romantic. My arms were circled around his neck in a desperate attempt not to fall which caused our lips to be centimeters apart. I closed my eyes when he went to close the distance between us. Then I remember what that old woman said. About me being in love with Scott and I freaked out. I purposely made myself fall onto the the dirt.

"You okay?"

"No." I rushed on my feet before getting out of the barn. I paced in front of the doors. I wanted to be numb. I wanted to be invisible. I didn't want to be here. On this farm. But I did want to be in Scott's arms. I wanted to hear his wonderful laugh and listen to his silky voice as he taught me to read. I wanted his lips pressed firmly against mine while my arms brought him closer.

"Mitch?" I extend my arm and put it on his chest so he couldn't come any closer.

"You play with my head." I looked up at him, running my other hand through my hair. "I don't know if you mean to or not but you do. A slave can't go on dates, they can't get a queasy feeling in their stomach every time you touch me or every time you look at me with that stupid grin." I sighed a little too dramatically.


"And you can't kiss me and then say it's wrong. Because what's wrong to you might me the world to me." My arm was so weak that he easily moved it away as he moved closer. He placed his hands on my hips.

"What means the world to you?" He whispered, one of his hands brushing against my cheek. "The way I touch you. Or the way I kiss you." He ducked down to capture my lips with his own. I licked my lips after he pulled away, keeping my eyes closed.


"I hope you know this means the world to me. I'm not playing with you." He laughed. "I have a crush on you. But I know I shouldn't be touching you like this or thinking about you when you aren't around. I do though." I gripped onto his shirt as he tried to walk away. I opened my eyes to search his face.

"I shouldn't think of my master like this."

"And I shouldn't think of my slave like this." He smiled, backing me up slowly against the barn wall. My heart was pounding as he kissed me slowly. "Honestly I don't give a fuck. You're amazing and I don't want to lose that." He backed up and dropped my hands.

"Scott I-"

"Let everything sink in. I'll see you tomorrow." He walked backwards with a worried smile before going back into the party. I slowly made my way back to the house. I crawled into the bed and closed my eyes. I didn't fall asleep though. Not until Scott came in, slipping under the covers with me. I turned to curl up to his chest without him realizing I was awake. Then I fell asleep with him singing to me. He was amazing.

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