The Tracker/The Second Deal

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While Nora and Odom walked out of the hospital once they were finished with writing their statement, Nora asked Odom to show her where he lodges since he moved out of the oak mansion.

But he declined

'That's not going to, you bring mom to try and beg me' he said this time walking faster towards the bike.

'Hey! Slow down brother' Nora said rushing to meet up on him.

But Odom quickly mounted the bike and sped off leaving Nora smiling as well as crying.

'Man think he's smarter than I am' she chuckled while pulling out her phone.

She had suspected he would do what he just did, so she had a GPRS tracker with her which she stuffed inside the leather seat covering of his bike while he rode and she sat behind.

Nora took a cab to the church where she had parked her car.


'Good afternoon mom' Nora greeted Vera who was seated with a glass of wine.

'Welcome dear, where have you been since morning?'

'At the estate's mini stadia watching the tennis match' she lied again hitting her forehead in disappointment when Vera wasn't looking.

'You know father's birthday will be in 5days, so, you prepare your special gift for him'

'Oh! I forgot about that, but ilk start something today'

'By the way, do you know where your sister is? She wouldn't pick her calls'

'I don't know, I haven't heard from her since morning' she said before hurrying up to her room.

Nora's bedroom

She preferred her room white rather than her elder sister who chose pink.
The walls was well designed, her curtains white as well as other furniture.
She quickly pulled out her laptop in attempt to track the GPRS device she stuffed into Odom's bike.

After 12 minutes of searching, she finally hit the jackpot.
'No.96, Victoria garden estates' she murmured covering her mouth.

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