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"Let's start with Capture the flag!" David yelled out after the sound of a whistle blew. "Care to explain Gwen?"

"In this game all three camps will be placed at an area of the camp. The camps will have their camp flag on a stick and in their base area. If you fail to protect your flag then another camp can take your flag and replace it with a white one. Only one camp can win. No cheating. Counselors don't interfere or help the campers. And no stabbing, poking, shooting, or trapping allowed." Gwen said as she stared at the camps.

"But traps are the best part!" Pikeman exclaimed.

"They were allowed BEFORE your camp decided that it would be a good idea to make a trap that broke a kids leg." David said as he shivered at thinking of the poor child who wound up having their femur bone protrude their leg.

"It was a small accident!" Pikeman exclaimed.

"Whatever. Alright! Go to your spaces!" Gwen yelled out.

Daniel watched as the camps split off from each other. The counselors stayed in front of the mess hall, keeping a small eye on the camps that ran and tried to get their areas set up in time. Soon Gwen blew a whistle and the noise stopped. Daniel looked at David who was smiling happily and had a clipboard in hand.


"This is BULLSHIT!" Max exclaimed as he glared at the Wood Scouts, who was holding both the Camp Campbell and Flower Scouts flag.

"Language!" David said as he walked up with the other counselors. "It's okay! These games are about us coming together at the end of the summer! It doesn't matter if we win or lose!"

The campers and other counselors stared at David for quite awhile. "No it's just winning." Pikeman said.

David sighed and looked at Gwen. "Three legged race." He said quietly.


It was pretty much night once all the games were finished. Surprisingly Camp Campbell won due to some cheating from the Quartermaster but David wanted to win. He wanted to rub the victory in the Wood Scouts faces. Luckily none of the other camps noticed the cheating so David was content while Gwen was happy to the point she was shaking and Daniel? He just quietly watched David and Gwen unravel at their cheated victory. Of course he noticed the Quartermaster planting things to knock over the campers or sabotaging their spots.

Now he would speak up about their cheating but David looked too happy. Almost happier than a small child getting 10 dogs riding ponies for Christmas. He didn't want to ruin it. He didn't want David to be in a sour mood tonight at the very least.

"Daniel!" David said happily as he ran up and hugged Daniel.

Daniel jumped at the sudden contact but got used to it fairly quickly as he returned the hug.

"We won! Camp Campbell won!" David shouted. Daniel nodded and smiled.

It was about time that the other camps went back and also time for campers to get ready for bed, so Gwen got them together and went off with them. Now Daniel and David were alone and Daniel noticed this.

"We should head to bed." Daniel whispered into David's ear.

David shivered at Daniel's breath hitting his ear. He could feel his face get a little hot too.

"Y-Yes! T-That's right!" David quickly said as he walked to his cabin with Daniel walking close behind.

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