7. I'm So Sorry.

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Class was released. I was walking next to Hermione and Ron and Harry were in front of us. I'm still fidgeting at my nails. I haven't done that in so long. "Brilliant isn't he! Completely demented of course. Terrifying to be in the same room with, he's really been there you know." Ron rambled on.

Ron's worshiping this guy. Something is off with him. I don't know what, but that whole lesson was anything but okay. "There's a reason those curses are unforgivable, and to perform them in a classroom. I mean did you see Neville's face?" Hermione asked clearly disgusted. I nodded and then my eyes fell to a boy on the stairs facing the window.

"Neville?" I called and stopped to talk to him. He didn't answer or turn. "He's coming." Hermione said in a whisper as she looked behind me. I turned to see Mad-Eye approaching us.

He reaches Neville and pats him on the shoulder. "Son, You alright?" Mad-Eye asked. Neville turns now. He nods. Come on, we'll have a cup of tea. I want to show you something." Mad-Eye said as he lead Neville away.

"Lets go eat." Ron said. I swear all he thinks about his food. Harry nodded and they began walking. I didn't. "Zella?" Hermione called to me. "I'm feeling a little sick. You guys go. I'm gonna head to bed." I said excusing myself. "Are you sure?" Harry asked concerned. I nodded. I forced a smile. "Go on. Eat enough for me too." I said jokingly.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Ron said smiling. Hermione elbowed him. "What!? I'm being friendly. She said it." He said defensively. Hermione smiles at Ron. "See you guys tomorrow." I said walking off.


I left the library. I couldn't find anything that could possibly have enough power to restore my father. Restore Voldemort. I was making my way to my bed when I heard a noise. I turned to see nothing. Who's here? It's after hours, could be a teacher but I doubt that.

"Come out." I said firmly. I heard a sigh. He stepped out. Draco. "Are you following me?" I asked. He didn't respond. He began walking towards me swiftly. "Stop." My voice shook. He paused. "You're not scared of me are you?" He asked shocked. "Why are you following me Draco?" I asked avoiding the question.

I don't think I was scared of him, but his father and what he may become, I am scared of. "What are you doing up?" He asked. "You know what I was looking for Malfoy. Do you have answers or not?" I asked. If he knows how Peter is planning on resorting Voldemort then he has to tell me. "No. My father asked I watch you and see if you knew. After all, you're his daughter. Surely he reached out to you?" Draco was inching closer.

I just noticed. He was closer, a little too close. "He did. Peter came to me and warned me of HIS return. I assumed he had an impossible idea and didn't think he really could. So far I've found nothing powerful enough to do it." I admitted.

He said nothing. "So you can stop staring at me and following me. You of all people know how I'd rather die than be like him." I added. Before I left the Malfoy's Draco and I told each other everything. He was there when I had nightmares about being like Voldemort.

He nodded. "Goodnight Draco." I said and turned to go to bed. "I have an idea about who Peter has in the school to make whatever plan he has work." He blurted. I stopped. I turned to him. "Who?" I asked. "Mad-Eye?" He suggested. He didn't sound sure but he was suspicious.

"He couldn't be. He's one of the best at catching dark wizards. Why would he ever help Peter bring back the worst of all?" I asked even though part of me believed it. Draco seemed as confused as I was. "After his lesson you can't say there's nothing wrong with that man." Was his only rebuttal.

Suddenly we heard other footsteps. My eyes widened. "Who's up at this hour?" Argus' voice filled the air. My eyes widened, as did Draco's. He rushed over to me. "He's going to get us in trouble." He whispered. "Come on." I grabbed his hand and ran to the nearest door. I opened it and saw it was a closet.

I shoved him inside and then got in myself. I shut the door behind me. I held my breath and listened closely. I heard Argus pass by and let out a breath. I chuckled lightly, "That was bloody-" I stopped when I noticed Draco and I were centimeters apart.

The small closet literally had us chest to chest. If I moved at all our lips would touch. It was dark, but I felt his eyes on my lips. My chest began going up and down rapidly. I'm sure he felt the change in my breathing. "Close." He finished for me.

His hand brushed against mine. "Why did you leave me there alone?" He whispered the question out. His voice even broke. I think he's crying.

"I'm so scared of being like him." I said his name with such hatred. "I'm scared too. If it weren't for you I'd be all alone here and surely become as dark as my father." Draco admitted. I smiled at him and we held hands. "Promise we won't ever stop being friends?" He asked. I smiled. "Promise." I held my pinky out. He smiled and we sealed the deal with a pinky promise.

I remembered suddenly. I moved my hands up and cupped his face. He tensed. I felt his wet cheeks. I wiped them dry and hugged him. "I'm so sorry." I whispered and felt him tremble in my arms. His sobs were small but I could hear it.

"Me too." He blurted.

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