13. Dragons.

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Harrry, Hagrid and I are walking through a dark forest. Harry has his cloak but we don't know why yet. Hagrid has only said to keep it down. "Hagrid where are we going?" I asked braking the silence. Harry and I expectantly looked at Hagrid who kept his eyes in front of him. "You'll see soon enough." He replied.

"What's with the flower?" Harry asked. I looked over Hagrid he looks more dapper than usual and is carrying a big red flower. "Hagrid have you combed your hair?" I asked. "As a matter of fact I have." He said defensively.

The silent woods is suddenly filled with animal noises. "What in the blood hell is th-" I was cut off but what sounded like Madame Maxime calling out to Hagrid. "Hagrid?" She called. Hagrid smiled. He likes her. I smiled at the sight. "Oh, the cloak. Put the cloak on." Hagrid said rushed. Harry and I quickly did as we were told.

Hagrid reaches for Maxime's and hand brought it to his lips. "Bonsoir Olympe." He said before he kissed it and gently let it go. "Oh Hagrid. I thought you weren't coming, I thought perhaps, you had forgotten me." Maxime said sadly. "I would never forget you Olympe." Hagrid said back without hesitating.

She giggled. Harry and I looked at each other and both did the gagging face. Though I really thought they were cute. "What is it you want to show me? When we spoke earlier you sounded so exhilirated." She asked Hagrid. He nodded. "You'll be glad you came. Trust me." Hagrid said walking towards some noises that got louder as we got closer.

"Dragons." I gasped as we see them now. "Ahh, c'est magnifique!" Maxime gasped. In an opening we see people are running about, and dragons are roaring and breathing fire. "Can we get closer?" She asked as she began inching closer. Hagrid stayed still. Harry and I popped our heads out.

"Dragons? That's the first task?" I asked shocked. "You're joking." Harry added. "Come on now you two. They're seriously misunderstood creatures." Hagrid defends them. A huge flame fires up and I feel myself panicking. I clutch my side of the cloak. This can't be happening. "Although, I have to admit that horntail is a right nasty piece of work. Poor Ron nearly fainted just seeing him you know." Hagrid said.

That got my attention. "Ron was here?" I asked. "Oh sure. His brother Charlie helped bring him over from Romania. Didn't Ron tell you that?" Hagrid asked us. "No he didn't. He didn't tell me a thing." Harry mumbled obviously upset. "Our first challenge is bloody dragons." I mumbled in disbelief.

I can't do this. I'm only fourteen.


I woke up. I ate with Hermione. Ron slept in. I'm not sure where Harry went. I haven't told Hermione about the dragons. Honestly I hope this is all a dream and I wake up and none of it happened but I know better.

"When do you think Ron and Harry will make up?" Hermione asked breaking the silence as I bit into a biscuit. "They better soon." I said thinking of how dangerous the very first challenge is. I could die. Harry could die. I noticed a badge someone had on. It shows Cedric on a bright yellow background. Then the badge spins and shows Harry on a green background with the words "Potter Stinks" on it.

"How could he do that?" I asked pointing out the badge. Hermione turned and glared. "He's an idiot." She said loud enough to attract eyes. "Hermione I think I'm gonna die." I blurted my worries out. She looked at me confused. "Aria I'm sure-" I cut her off. "I know what the first challenge is." I said in a whisper.

She leaned in with wide eyes. "Dragons. Hermione, I'm gonna die." I said and my voice wavered. She placed her hands over mine. "I know you can do this. You will not die. You will make it through this. Does Harry know?" She asked. I nodded. "I'm gonna go. You should go talk to Ron about making up with Harry." I suggested.

She nodded and we went our ways. I was walking outside and seeing all the badges hating on Harry and promoting Cedric. Bloody idiots. "Why so tense Potter?" I heard Draco's voice. I looked to see him come down from a tree. Harry looked tense. He's angry. Understandable with the hate being thrown at him.

"My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament. He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five." Draco and his friends around him laugh and Harry steps him up. "I don't give a damn what you or your father thinks Malfoy." Harry shouts. I start making my way over there. "He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic." Harry spat.

Harry starts walking away and Draco angrily raises his wand. "Don't you dare!" I shouted. Just as Draco and I met eyes Mad-Eye appears and suddenly turned Draco into a ferret. "I'll teach you to cast when someone's back is turned." He said humorously. My eyes widened as I stood by Harry and watched in horror as he waved ferret Draco around. Is he insane?

He put Draco down another boys pants and I heard Harry laugh at the boys screams. I elbowed him. He coughed to cover it but I knew he was still laughing. I saw professor McGonagall rushing over to see what the commotion was. "Professor Moody what are you doing?" She asked seeing what was happening. "Teaching." Mad-Eye replying. Draco ran out of the boys pants leg.

"Change him back right now." I ordered. Professor McGonagall looked at me with horror and then back to Mad-Eye with anger and shock. "Is that a student?" She asked appalled.

Mad-Eye shrugged and replied, "Technically it's a ferret." Mad-Eye is making Draco hover around. I yank out my wand and change Draco back quickly. Draco looked around and then felt his own skin. He was clearly disturbed. He looked up at Mad-Eye and pointed at him. "My father will hear about this!" Draco shouted. Mad-Eye walked up to him threateningly. "Is that a threat!?" He shouted. Draco began running. Mad-Eye shouts after him. "I could tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair boy! It doesn't end here!" Mad-Eye shouted.

I began going after Malfoy as McGonagall began lecturing Mad-Eye.

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