24. I Like Him.

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I didn't get to talk to Draco. Hermione found me and told me what Harry and Hagrid found. Barty. He's dead. I was shocked. "Harry's scar started hurting and he just found the body. Bloody hell." Ron said as we sat in the common room gossiping. "Is he okay? Where is he?" I asked worried. "He's going to talk to Dumbledore." Hermione said with her knees pulled to her chest.

"You think this is all connected with his dreams?" Hermione asked. "No. Those are just dreams after all." Ron dismissed the idea. "With Peter being able to literally get in people's heads I wouldn't be so sure Ronald." Hermione said clearly worried. "She's right. Peter is clearly smarter than he looks." I said wondering why Peter would want Barty dead.

I can't think of a single reason.


"Little Aria, are you under here?" Draco called after me. Hide and seek is my favorite. I could hide for hours and he wouldn't find me. I was currently in the dumbwaiter. He never finds me here. This is my favorite spot.

"Aria! It's time to eat! Can we go now!?" Draco shouted. I sighed. I am pretty hungry. I tried to open the sliding door but it was stuck. "Draco! I'm stuck!" I shouted. Silence filled the air. "Draco!?" I screamed and began to cry. Suddenly the dumb waiter dropped. I screamed and held my knees to my chest and hid my face.

Suddenly it jerked and I only heard myself breathing hard and crying. I forced myself to look up. I wasn't dead. Maybe Draco grabbed the rope. I slid the door open and now it did open. I screamed seeing someone on the other side. "It's okay dear. It's only me." I recognized that voice. "W-who-" I stopped and suddenly remembered how old I was and who I was. "Voldemort." I said coldly. I wasn't a kid anymore. I looked like me again.

"I prefer father." He hissed. I tried to see him, but all I could make out was a shadow of him. "This isn't real. I'm dreaming." I spat sure of it. A wicked laugh sent chills down my spin. "Soon we shall meet. My plan will not fail. I'm certain of it." He said. I knew this couldn't be real. I climbed out of the dumbwaiter and charged the figure I know now as Voldemort.


My eyes shot open and I was sweating. I was breathing hard too. "Are you okay? You were screaming?" Hermione was next to me. I nodded. "I need to talk to someone. I'll be back." I said standing and walking out. I need to talk to Draco.

I was standing outside his dorm. I didn't want to knock in fear someone else would answer. I reached for the knob. "Sneaky little Riddle." I jerked away from the door and turned my head to see Eric. I sighed. "Go back to bed. This doesn't concern you." I spat bravely.

"You're out past curfew and sneaking into a boys dorm? Maybe it's Dumbledore's business." Eric threatened. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want you-" I was cut off. "Better hold your tongue." He snapped. I did just that. "I want to know why when you thought I liked you, you didn't want me to kiss you?" He asked finally.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Oh did I hurt your ego. I was using you. I needed a date. You were there. I didn't like you. I barely knew you." I said honestly. He looked slightly angry. "Now leave me alone would you." I snapped. "No. How did you manage to make your voice like that and throw a fireball from your wand? We haven't learned that yet and I'm a year higher than you." He asked.

"I barely remember that night." I lied quickly. He narrows his eyes. "Now go." I spat and pulled my wand out. "Or maybe I should see if I can remember how to throw a fireball?" I threatened. His eyes widened and he turned and left. Bloody fool.

I turned back to the door and saw it was open. Draco Malfoy was standing in the door way. How long had he been there? "Aria?" He asked. His voice was a sleepy one. I smiled. "Walk with me?" I whispered out the question. He nodded and stepped out. We began walking.


We went into Gryffindor common room. We were quiet even though we were alone. We said a few words but nothing that matters. "You ran off pretty fast after the lake. I didn't have a chance to ask you anything." I broke the silence with that was really getting to me. He nodded. "Ask then." He said simply.

"Are you dating the girl you took to the dance?" I asked immediately. He looked at me. "Why?" He asked back. "That's not an answer." I fired back. He stood and began lighting the fire place. I didn't speak. I waited. "I don't like her." He admitted. "Why did you kiss her then?" I asked quietly. I fear I already know the answer. "Too see you react. To see if you got jealous. Did you?" He asked now searching me for an answer.

"Maybe I did. What does that mean?" I asked scared of these feelings I've never explored before. "Do you like me?" He asked in a whisper. "Of course I do-" he cut me off. "No Aria. Do you like me?" He asked again with a tone I knew well. Fear. Do I like Draco Mallory romantically?

"I think I might." I admitted finally. I stood up and he was facing me now. "It's late." He whispered. I was confused. I thought for sure he'd kiss me. "Yeah. Goodnight Draco." I said and left. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I do.

I like him.

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